Card draw simulator
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SoloMarvelChampion · 2103
Ms. Marvel Lays a Trap
This is a very Johnny deck with the goal of knocking out the villain and my Nemesis minion at the same time.
When I play Face the Past to dig out Thomas Edison I can't attack the villain any more that phase. BUT if I clear Lay the Trap with Followed attached, the 4 damage from Followed knocks out Thomas Edison and Lay the Trap (which isn't an attack) deals 5 to the villain!
The hardest part of any combo is having all the pieces at the exact moment you need them, but Ms. Marvel has the perfect Support for pulling it off: Bruno Carrelli.
Throughout the game I'll "store" Lay the Trap, a copy of Followed, and Face the Past on Bruno. Then when the villain is at 5 or fewer HP I can exhaust Bruno to get all three of those cards back to hand and "Lay the Trap" to defeat both of them at the same time! You only get one chance to pull this off, because Lay the Trap goes to the Victory display when defeated, and Face the Past is removed from the game when played.
In 8 games against Expert Taskmaster I've only pulled this combo off twice, and in both cases I got Bruno out early!
You can see the combo go off here against Expert Taskmaster.
Jan 28, 2025 |
Jan 28, 2025That's awesome! I don't even have Ms. Marvel but setting up a combo like that is cool! Will we see this in a video? |
Jan 28, 2025
Nice! Would Turn the Tide work better than Followed since it's cheaper?