Living Not-so-dangerously

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Starlordxx · 239

This is my first attempt at completely breaking Live Dangerously and Shadowcat

This is absolutely a Multiplayer deck as Live dangerously gets more broken the more free cards the heroes are drawing. A collective hand size growing from an average of about 19 per turn to suddenly 27 per turn is hilarious, and that's if they are on their hero side.

Now, in order to keep the good times going, the other players want to be feeding Cable as much cost reduction and card draw from their decks as they can to make sure he gets to play Shadowcat every turn.

Is this too high of a price to pay? Maybe. I can't test it until my friends can get together and make sure they are onboard for helping this design kick off.

I'm all-in on this working. I want 3x Children of the Atom and 2x Honorary X-Men to make sure that I am never not an X-men. The former enabling the latter, enabling me to play Shadowcat from hand even on Alter-Ego.

For Squared Off I want to avoid stirring up trouble by flying through the villain deck and/or generating board threats. It is not a first line of resort, it is a last line of resort. If there's no other way to shut off Live Dangerously, I will use it, if I must.

I don't know if anyone else tried this combo before, but I would love trying it. Please leave me some comments, concerns, and corrections. Thanks for checking this out! If any of you can think of a way to run this solo, more power to you and link to it in the comments and I will check it out!


Jan 28, 2025 Starlordxx · 239

Just in case it is not crystal clear to people. The goal is to NOT remove any threat from Live Dangerously!

Also, I thought of this after sharing it, but you can have a friend with a 'Pool aspect deck use events/actions before you cause Live Dangerously to lose all of its icons by playing Shadowcat from your hand!

Jan 28, 2025 ZaneBrick · 97

interesting idea. Will try it out.