Card draw simulator
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ChocoboBai · 1244
This deck is built around making the best use of our Snow Clones. One way is to get extra draws using Strength In Numbers, then later on use Cyclops for more damage.
Card Draw and Setup
I like Strength In Numbers with Snow Clones as they cannot intervene and Iceman can actually take villain attacks quite well. You don't always need to attack early on, so the extra draw can help set up.
To fully use Strength In Numbers we add extra ally slots with The Triskelion and Utopia. New Recruits gives us an ally that doesn't count towards your ally limit, raising the total we can have in play to 6. Early on the extra draw can help to set up your supports and upgrades.
Attack Boosting
The other way to use Snow Clone is to boost their attack, so that you make the most of them avoiding consequential damage. Although we cannot attach upgrades, we now have the Cyclops ally to do this. We include Rapid Response to keep him around longer. This idea is basically what was done in Tano Games' deck. With an extra attack from Command Team and Rapid Response in play we can try to trigger Cyclops twice in one turn. With so many allies this can be a huge damage boost, especially if you have extra Command Teams to attack with Snow Clones again.
Other Cool Stuff
The Power of Leadership helps to play Command Team and Rapid Response. The allies are mostly leadership to make better use of this too. Beak is an exception, as the amount of thwart he provides once you have allies out is amazing.
Early on you want to focus on getting a few upgrades and supports out to gain resources. I have chosen ones that are cheap to play over The X-Jet to help setup faster. Utopia is important to ready Iceman so should be prioritised. Sometimes you want to defend and you don't always hit an Ice card off Cryokinetic Perception. With Utopia can make sure you trigger Freeze in that situation. Also, Rapid Response on Beast is useful early on while setting up.
Late game the Strength In Numbers can help to draw into the combo pieces you need; Cyclops, Rapid Response, and Command Teams.
I added Kid Omega as it felt like it needed an extra ally that could also help with thwart a bit. Also, does his t-shirt say bring Cyclops back? If so then it is perfect for this deck!
Of course, don't forget the options Iceman's own cards give:
- Ice Blast plus Snow Clone attacks is amazing at clearing minions.
- You can get very safe flips to Alter Ego by combining Frozen Solid with Frostbites.
- Power Belt and Cryokinetic Perception help pay for everything (alongside Deft Focus, Team-Building Exercise, and Clarity of Purpose).
- With basic defends and Ice Wall it is easy to keep allies alive if you want to.
Other Options
Mirage could be a good ally here, with Frostbite it will be easier to trigger her ability. I decided to remove Uncanny X-Men. There are a lot of supports already and the extra health can make it more difficult to get two Cyclops triggers in one turn. There are plenty of resources to pay for allies anyway. You could also include a copy of Band Together to search with Beast, I decided not to keep it as it can be bad early game.