Quiet G.I.R.L.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Schmendrix · 5424

Is it a meme deck? Probably. But! But. What if you could consistently recycle some nice cards while keeping your teammates safe and healthy? I'd say do it! This deck is built on three pillars of sustainability: Reduce, reuse, and recycle.


Namely, reduce your need for defenders and resources. By spending more time in AE (e.g., around 2/3 turns), you will keep defenders available for your tablemates. You will also happily share your resource generators (Avengers Mansion and Helicarrier) because you're often running with 6 cards and not playing Hero Actions.


The deck is intended to include actions, interrupts and responses on events, allies, and supports that are playable over and over again in AE. For example, Black Widow's Interrupt is playable in AE and provides additional coverage. The deck is stacked with , so you should never face a Shadows with Black Widow on the table that she can't cancel. Similarly, Med Team and The Night Nurse are available to heal friends and allies while in AE, and Warlock heals himself with an AE-available action, too. Finally, the star of the show is Second Wind, which is good for mitigating at least 1-2 attacks with its burst heal. Honorable mention goes to Assess the Situation, which is useful for mental triggers on Second Wind and Warlock and Black Widow, but also helps fuel a trip to Hero mode when you have a Pym Particles to spend on a Pinpoint Strike or Giant Help.


The star of the show is Multiple Man who, once he hits the discard in heroic sacrifice, can be immediately returned to the deck for future use. Keeping your deck stacked with Multiple Men is super valuable because as soon as you get one in hand, you should be able to replay all 3, maintaining the huge value edge. This does interfere/nonbo with a plan that keeps Black Widow and Warlock on the table. Make a call: after one round of Multiple Men, you may never need another. But it is a nice break in case of emergency option. If you don't need multiple Multiple Men, you can recycle Nick Fury, Ironheart, and Genius, which you should generally have room to play even while maintaining Black Widow and Warlock.

Closing thoughts

Note: I am not advocating for an entirely AE approach. But I think the deck is playable while spending more time in AE, and trips to Hero can be short and impactful with Wasp's plus Events, especially Pinpoint Strike. Let me know if you find it's worth more than the memes.


Mar 17, 2021 Krummey · 1

Oh now this looks interesting

Mar 21, 2021 Earth Dragon · 1483

The Wasp Protection deck is legitimate as a general concept. A "stay in AE mode" model may be a little meme worthy at the moment, but even just switching out the a couple Med Teams for Perseverance to flip up when everyone is full and take some shoots on the chin while you use your high damage events also add flexibility.

I like it! And people just need to embrace the fact that Wasp is a flexible toolkit, not an overly optimized single strategy Hero.

Mar 21, 2021 Schmendrix · 5424

Totally right - probably don't need 3 Med Teams, and Perseverance offers such enormous value.