Wasp - Mean Sting

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 659

Finally! With the release of GMW I finally can build my Wasp Weapon build!

There’s two focus to this build: ATK boost and Overkill. Both are meant to take advantage of being in Giant form.

The big key players here are Hand Cannon and Mean Swing. The awesome Jarnbjorn plays backup here. With these cards Wasp can lay waste to large swaths of enemies. You have two options, one exhaust Hand Cannon for extra ATK for the biggest punch possible. The second, if you have Follow Through online, is to use Hand Cannon when Attacking to overkill. Each point of overkill damage done to a minion becomes 2, 3 or 4 extra damage! Hate Ultron? Overkill a bunch of drones and laugh as he gets blasted.

Combat Training and Skilled Strike will help you get your overkill on, adding up to +3 ATK. You might even have a Rapid Growth you want to use.

The nice thing about all this overkill is that you can do more than just splash damage. Into the Fray works wonders in taking threat off the the main scheme. Feeling hurt up? Drop a Moment of Triumph and get your heal on. This card also works great with Pinpoint Strike.

Hopefully you’re pounding on a bunch of minions, so laying down Hall of Heroes can turn that into extra cards.

Quincarrier is here to reduce the price of the more expensive events. You may be in Giant form a lot, so this helps out with the smaller hand size.

Jarnbjorn is great because you can use both Mean Swing and Hand Cannon at the same time. You can also pitch your redundant Combat Training to it. This deck isn’t Heavy, so don’t expect too many uses other than its trait.

Potentially, using the Hand Cannon, Mean Swing, Combat Training, Skilled Strike and Rapid Growth you can hit for a total of 12 with one punch, and you can spread that love around. That’s no even counting potential extra damage from Follow Through.

Wasp also has the added advantage of being able to use the Follow Through as resources early on, and shuffle them back into her deck later using G.I.R.L. for their more useful mid-game.

I’m considering swapping Looking for Trouble for Into the Fray since this deck definitely wants to see minions. You still get the Thwart bonus, with the added minion. This can be especially helpful when using Moment of Triumph to heal.

The deck is also weak to stun. With the big focus on using your basic ATK, you’ll have to play a Event to get rid of it. To this extend I’ve been thinking about including Press the Advantage as a cheap way to remove it.


Apr 28, 2021 szuper · 1


nice wrap-up! In the other hand I am not really convinced that this whole new Hand Cannon + Follow Through meta worth it. I tried myself this concept with multiple heroes, however so many investment needed cost and card wise. Did you play this for the fun and new experience, or based on the success este? Anyway, I think Surprise Attack could be a good addition, while it is efficient and has fist symbol.

Apr 28, 2021 Spliff · 659

Thanks for the comment! I’m not sure that the whole Follow Through is worth it either, but this is my best attempt at making a go at it.

Obviously this deck is more at home in a minion rich environment.

Surprise Attack is probably a better fit than Press the Advantage for clearing stun, and is just a good card in general.

I’m sure some other cards can be trimmed to make room for it, but I’ll pilot this deck for a while before making any changes.