Silver Venom

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Leading the Carnage 0 0 0 2.0

misterRogers · 222

Silver deck I made will many guardians to take advantage of Knowhere. I tried to keep his Event cards to a minimum so I could see his Hero Events more often.

Helicarrier is high priority so you always have the choice to play a Hero Event to full effect at least once per turn.

The Enhanced cards are lower priority and really only to be used if you have a Resource card you don't want to waste.


Jul 17, 2021 The_Wall · 133

No Booster Boots? No C.I.T.T.? Both are better than First Aid. You might also think about Assess the Situation which is essentially a delayed cantrip, and will help you cycle more often to see those events.

Jul 17, 2021 misterRogers · 222


I do like the idea for Booster Boots. I'll swap one out. I like the heals for Venom though since I usually use Symbiotic Bond each phase I can.