The annoying spider crushing bad guys on Expert

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Swarley · 34

I'd like to share a deck that gave me success on all scenarios (haven't tried yet in GMW expansion, I'll update as soon as I try it).

This is a very controlly deck, but able to deal damage when needed and control the scheme if it goes to far. The main idea on this deck is:

  • Spiderman will be the defender of most of the attacks (whenever the villain is not stunned). There is no need to defend everytime, because you have Voltereta hacia atrás and Ataque preventivo, but by the time you have Imperturbable you will want to defend as much as possible and take that extra draw.

  • Spiderman, Nick Furia and Balanceo con patada will be your main damage source, and Gata Negra your ping dealer, taking out Tough status, Ultron's drones, etc.

  • To deal with the scheme you have Rastreador arácnido, Heimdall and ¡Al rescate!. With El poder de todos unidos you can pay ¡Al rescate! and is the key card that allow you to take that annoying starting side scheme on scenarios like Klaw or any scenario in RotRS campaign. #Heimdall is a safe 2 thwarting during 4 turns + the info you get from the next villain activation, the deck has so many draw that wont be a problem to pay him.

  • Viuda Negra if your wildcard to avoid that unexpected scheme or treachery, same as Sentido arácnido mejorado, so you can swap to alter ego with safety.

  • Mandíbulas is your handydog. He can attack, he can thwart and he will come back from the deeps of your discard to save your day if you need him.

Although you might think that there are too expensive cards to play, Spidey is able to have a 6 hand size after the villain attack, the 2 copies of Lanzarredes gives you really cheap resources and Imperturbable gives you another draw as soon as you defend. So, if you are able to play Mansión de los Vengadores or Nick Furia after a strong defense turn you can easy end with a 6-8 hand in hero form each turn, wich is really strong (in the worst scenario Mandíbulas always will be there).

¿When will you have troubles with this deck? If you can't control during 1-2 turns the minion and side schemes that villains throws to you. Is very important taking out anything that comes to you as soon as this reachs the table, because if your board get flooded, you won't be able to take everything out.

Last but not least, if you test this deck, and you get together "The Trinity" (Viuda Negra, Heimdall and Gata Negra) I can assuure you that you'll feel the POWER OF CONTROL, avoiding the villain to treachery anything you don't want, pinging that drones or annoying enemies and thwarting hard. Who needs Messi, Neymar and Mbappe having those 3.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I had Spidey as one of my most disliked heroes, but now he is one of my prefered ones.


Sep 17, 2021 Immanent · 1

what’s “expert”?

Sep 17, 2021 Swarley · 34

@Immanent Expert Mode. You can play Standard or Expert (harder Mode).

Sep 17, 2021 Immanent · 1

omg what a brain fart! i’ve been playing too much arkham horror lately and i was confused cause i thought expert=heroic for marvel.. anyways, cool list but i’m afraid it won’t fly on GMW, there isn’t enough threat removal sadly, but u might have luck on standard, at least up untill Ronan. other than that it’s a solid support for 3+ player games or if your partner is a godly tier like Strange or Cap and can stay in hero form a lot longer thanks to this deck; wouldn’t reccomend it for solo play tho.

Sep 18, 2021 Swarley · 34

@Immanent there are 5 specifics cards to deal with threat, several allies that are good at thwarting, plus Viuda Negra and Sentido arácnido mejorado to avoid more than one scheme on a single turn. Apart from Ronan , who is unfair for any deck, I expect having difficults and adapt the deck with cards from Guardian set if neccesary. Not expecting winning at first try haha. Will update after playing the campaign!