SpiderWoman - Perfected

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
SpiderWoman - Potenciar a Carol - Juncal - [LMDT] 68 52 3 2.0
Inspiration for
None yet

MiguelCantillo3 · 12109

English / Spanish

This deck derives from "Paging Captain Danvers - Spider-Woman (Undefeated on Expert)". And unlike the rest of the decks, I will not go into much detail, since lupercal30 explains it perfectly in the description, therefore, I will limit myself only to naming the modifications.

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Objective of the Deck and Cards:

As is well known, the goal of the deck is to play Captain Marvel as soon as possible via Call for Aid and, in turn, boost it using Inspired, Power Gloves, Sidearm, and Sky Cycle, giving him a chance to deal 5 damage with a distance or 3 intervention, in addition to drawing two cards per turn.

As usual to keep Captain Marvel in play, three copies of Inspiring Presence were added to prepare and heal her; three copies of Med Team, and one of First Aid.

Lastly, added to Cosmo which along with Spider-Woman's ability on alter-ego and Sidearm, can remain indefinitely on the table doing 3 damage with range or 1 intervention.

I don't consider Energy Barrier essential, however, it is the best protection option to meet the deckbuilding requirement on Spider-Woman.

Este mazo deriva de "Paging Captain Danvers - Spider-Woman (Undefeated on Expert)". Y al contrario que con el resto de mazos no me extenderé mucho, puesto que lupercal30 lo explica perfectamente en la descripción, por tanto, me limitaré únicamente a nombrar las modificaciones.

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Objetivo del Mazo y Cartas:

Como bien es conocido, el objetivo del mazo es jugar tan pronto como sea posible a Captain Marvel a través de Call for Aid y, a su vez, potenciarla utilizando Inspired, Power Gloves, Sidearm y Sky Cycle, conferiendole la posibilidad de realizar 5 daños con a distancia o 3 de intervención, además de robar dos cartas por turno.

Como viene siendo habitual para mantener a Captain Marvel en juego se añadieron tres copias de Inspiring Presence para prepararla y curarla; tres copias de Med Team, y una de First Aid.

Por último, se añadió a Cosmo que junto a la habilidad de Spider-Woman en alter-ego y Sidearm, puede permanecer indefinidamente en mesa realizando 3 daños con a distancia o 1 de intervención.

Energy Barrier no la considero fundamental, sin embargo, se trata de la mejor opción de protección para reunir el requisito de construcción de mazo en Spider-Woman.