Captain Marvel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Yajinden · 1

Deck specificities:

  • Captain Marvel is meant to flip every turn.

  • Building the discard pile is as important as generating extra card draws.

  • Deck should be reshuffled every 2 to 3 turns. Actions order allows for including/excluding card for the shuffle.

  • Captain Marvel events and upgrades are nearly dead cards in the deck.

Important drawing combos:

Important resource saving combos:

Important damage combo:

Important thwart combo:

The mastering of this deck leads to eventually performing over a dozen actions on most turns, and sometimes accumulate up to a dozen cards in hand during your turn. Because of it, the deck plays slowly and is therefore better suited for solo play, although its performance live up to multiplayer scenarios.