Jessica Drew with a Big Gun

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Sokket · 1

Just finished Mad Titan's Shadow on Standard with this deck. The idea is to leverage low-cost upgrades and interrupts/responses to make the most of Superhuman Agility and hit with large basic attacks. The deck is deliberately slow-drawing and low resource to slow roll encounter cards, and requires only a Hand Cannon on the field to start working. All other Upgrades and Supports are just gravy. Most hands can make progress toward the goal, either on your turn or in response to the villain attack.

Setup - The only card you desperately need in your starting hand is Hand Cannon. All others are neither here nor there.

Playstyle - On defense: Superhuman Agility + Counter-Punch or True Grit. If either is the first Protection card you've played that turn, it boosts the outgoing ATK or THW as well as your DEF, so you ATK or THW for at least 2, usually 3. Desperate Defense operates with a minimum DEF of 4, usually closer to 6 with a 2nd aspect and Armored Vest.

On attack: Main setup is Hand Cannon. You want to spend a Cannon charge on at least your first attack each round. Combat Training is also nice to have, and you want to set up that and Armored Vest if you have the chance. If both Cannon and Combat are set up going into the round, Skilled Strike alone is a Basic Attack of 6 with Overkill for ER1. Play a non Aggression card before it, and it goes up to 8. Pay for Inconspicuous or Pheromones with Preservation and it can reach an ATK of 9. Ready afterward with Self-Propelled Glide or Battle Fury and you are set for another 2-5 basic ATK or 2-4 basic THW.

Basically, every round you are usually going to defend and take no damage, hitting back for 3-4 ATK or THW, or you are going to have a 5-9 damage Basic ATK, usually with overkill. Sometimes both, especially on your second time through your deck.

Addendum: I ran this with my friend playing Scarlet Witch Justice, and we always tried to set up my first player turns so I was Spider-Woman at the start of the round and let Scarlet Witch know what was on top of the Encounter deck before going in to her turn by flipping to Jessica Drew. Then, starting my second player turn, SW would call an assist on Jessica Drew and I would reveal the Encounter Deck again.