Cap in Fluid Motion

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
I Can Do This All Day 0 0 0 1.0

Telcontar · 470

Cap is the perfect hero to use Fluid Motion with due to his great economy and his hero ability letting him get 2 uses out of his basic Attack action.

Fluid Motion needs plenty of attack events, so this deck leverages Clobber, Drop Kick, No Quarter, and Press the Advantage. No Quarter is great as it helps us find Fluid Motion and/or attack events. Martial Prowess helps pay for those attack events and provides resources for Drop Kick, No Quarter, and Heroic Strike.

The strategy is simple - get out all three copies of Fluid Motion, play attacks using your resource generators as much as possible (leaving more attacks in your hand to charge up Fluid Motion), and finish the villain off with a couple of big swings!

If you want more thwart, you can swap out a couple of events for Into the Fray.


Jun 26, 2022 journeyman2 · 24693

Hi Telcontar! You’ve checked out my decks, so I wanted to return the favor since I saw you on the front page!

Cap is a great shell for Fluid Motion, nice deck! I like the idea of using Clobber multiple times to trigger multiple Fluid Motions.

If I can make some comments (and you can take them or leave them) I have some thoughts!!

Half of your non-permanent cards (14/28) are (More than half when you count Hulk himself). Which makes Hulk a bit of a liability. Likewise with Wasp and , it is going to be hard to play her and she benefit from Cap’s Alter-Ego ability!

Since you’ll be basic attacking a lot, you’ll likely rely on allies to thwart (if this is true solo, maybe this is multiplayer and you don’t need to thwart!). Since you’ll need allies to thwart, I might recommend Nick Fury and War Machine as 2-THW allies who are great targets for your ally discount turn 1. Brawn and Bug are also good options (Bug combos well with all of your basic attacks).

I love No Quarter. But without the boost from Honed Technique, it won’t be over killing much. Now Power of Aggression limits it’s usefulness, and you don’t really want to discard your hero cards since Cap is so strong! I might suggest swapping in Earth's Mightiest Heroes to give yourself even more readies when you boost your attack (Blade makes a great EMH battery). You’ll still have plenty of attack events, and could consider maxxing out Drop Kick.

Some other things to consider. Helicarrier doesn’t add too much additional value for you, you already have 4 other resource generators, and the more you add the returns are diminished. However, replacing it with Avengers Mansion could be the difference between drawing an extra attack card to trigger a second Fluid Motion, or giving you a card to discard to ready Cap.

The Power of Aggression is great with Drop Kick, maybe not necessary if you drop the NQs, but might be worth a thought.

Thanks for sharing!

Jun 26, 2022 journeyman2 · 24693

Typo: meant to say Wasp doesn’t benefit from Cap’s alter-ego ability because we can’t reduce below 0

Jun 26, 2022 Telcontar · 470

Thanks for your feedback @journeyman2! Excellent points on all counts, especially allies and EMH.

I have been swapping out a No Quarter and Press the Advantage for Into the Fray which helps with thwarting.

This deck gave me some ideas for a Nebula deck which I actually think is more fun, check that out too!