Miles Morales & Recurring Web Warriors

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Spider-Men A-Lot 0 0 0 1.0

pheips · 51

A simple and thematic recurring allies leadership deck for the Web Warriors

  • get Web of Life and Destiny and Warrior of the great Web out soon (mulligan for them)
  • get your web warriors out
  • reready your web warriors often with make the call and command team and let them leave the game quickly
  • get them back as often as possible with Rapid Response and Across the Spider Verse
  • benefit from Web of Life and Destiny and Warrior of the Great Web when allies leave play
  • some allies give you additional benefits from leaving or entering play (Ghost Spider, Otto Octavius, Hobbie Brown)
  • Have fun!

Other interesting cards for this deck:

  • Make the Call
  • Last Stand

Jul 21, 2022 lorion42 · 127

Do you use Rapid Response often? I tried a similar approach and realized that Rapid Response didn't made so much sense for me. Accept you want the Web-Warriors to leave more often to trigger their effects, Web of Life and Destiny and Warrior of the Great Web. Most of the cards cost 3, Rapid Response cost 2. I would prefer Make the Call instead. You'll pay one card more to get 1 additional activation per ally.

And try Team-Building Exercise to get your allys with a discount.

Jul 21, 2022 Alexin · 205

Very interesting, I am going to give it a shot with just a couple tweaks: Down Time and Endurance leave for Helicarrier and Champions Mobile Bunker, and also won´t take Spider-Ham

Rapid Response is very easy to use when allies die to block an attack, something you cannot do with Make the Call

Jul 21, 2022 pheips · 51

Thanks for your comments and interest! :) To be honest: I only tested it with Sandman E1 and RhinoE1 + Inheritors. So I may need to make adjustments along the way. But those two have been a complete chill for me, which is why I hope that the basic principle will hold up against tougher opponents as well.

All your mentioned cards make total sense. I will eventually fiddle around with those cards at some point.

I do also kill my allies of during the hero phase. Just because of the Warrior of the Great Web Bonus. Ideally I kill some of them off, get them back with RapidResponse, kill them off again using Command Team and Get Ready. And with some luck get then multiple activations for Miles with the help of PeterParker. But typically not all of that will happen in the same turn, so maybe there is room for improvement to make this combo consistent. Give it a shot!

Jul 21, 2022 Alexin · 205

Nice, I also thought to kill allies with Get Ready and Command Team to get bonus from Warrior of the Great Web. However, there is a significant micromanagement here. For example, it pays off to do it with SP//dr, that won´t get back to your hand if killed in a block, or with the Spider-Man that gains +2 to attack or thwart when played from hand, and of course Spider-Man Peter Parker to get more activations on your hero.

I think the deck gives a lot of room for tactical decisions with Rapid Response and the Command Team, which is great. My only concern is that is quite expensive to get it onto mid game, which can be challenge with tough villains, but anyway. Grats and nice games :)

Jul 21, 2022 pheips · 51

I see your point! I will test it gradually with more difficult villains and tell you about it. So far Web Shooters did the trick. They also combo of nicely with Otto Octavius.

Please also add your comments later on about your experience and your changes! It's greatly appreciated.

Jul 21, 2022 pheips · 51

Also, by no means is this an optimal deck. There would be other allies, that even though they are not web warriors, would make the deck better. Nick Fury e.g. is awesome with RapidResponse, when used in the villain phase to draw 3 cards and block twice.