Star-Lord Leads the Avengers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Buttons · 147

This deck makes use of Star-Lord's ability to make all of his allies into Guardians, and getting the most out of Guardians of the Galaxy with upgrades. This deck was made in conjunction with this Nebula deck, some pieces make the most sense with another player playing Guardians allies.

Allies: We have a few different kinds of allies, cheaper allies with strong effects like Maria Hill, Squirrel Girl, and White Tiger, and some allies that we're turning into Voltrons, Ronin, Iron Man, and Giant-Man. Giant-Man is really great for this, we have a lot of upgrades that give more health, meaning Giant-Man gets that +2 attack more often, plus Star-Lord's What Could Go Wrong ability helps pay for the high cost.

Upgrades and support: We're coming in with 2 Reinforced Suits, 2 Laser Blasters and 2 Comms Implants. Giving extra health keeps your allies swinging for longer, and the Guardians-only upgrades are some of the strongest ally buffs in the game. Guardians of the Galaxy and Knowhere increase your card draw, Team Training keeps your heavy hitters in longer, and Command Team can get you one more push when you need it.

Events: Blaze of Glory is a staple for Star-Lord leadership decks, and Cosmic Alliance makes it stronger. Almost all of our allies will have BOTH the Avenger and Guardian trait with Star-Lord's ability, so you can pick any targets to ready. If you draw both those events in the same turn after setting up, you're getting a ton of work done in a turn. Joining Forces is here with a partner in mind. None of your allies have the Guardians trait until they hit the table, but if your partner has Guardians allies, this card is great. Play Joining Forces with Giant-Man, and your partner gets to drop in Drax for free.

I used this deck to beat The Rise of Red Skull campaign and Kang on expert, paired with Nebula Aggression. Nebula supplied me with a Boot Camp and Energy Spears, getting my voltron allies even stronger. Once he's all suited up, Giant-Man had an attack of 8 (10 on Blaze of Glory turns), and had Overkill AND Piercing. He was incredibly fun.