Doctor Strange Leadership - Turbo Cosmo Invocation Flip

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Spell Burn Leadership 0 0 0 2.0

Lynkth · 7

Turbo draw cards with Winds of Watoomb and Spiritual Meditation, you want to get the Cloak of Levitation as soon as possible into the table, important as well to get your passive resources into the table such as The Eye of Agamotto, Quincarrier, Helicarrier

Allies should be use to tank for Wong and Cosmo.

  • Maria Hill, very important to keep bringing her in to keep drawing cards specially when you are first on the round. Combo with Make the Call and Rapid Response
  • Hawkeye has a good clearing passive to weaken enemies as they spawn, very good early game when you are developing your table.
  • Falcon, situational card
  • Squirrel Girl good against Ultron to clear drones and other enemies that fills the table with monsters.
  • Goliath situational late game to clear an enemy thats bothering you or to increase the team's damage output

Healing process

  • Once Wong is on the table you wont need to switch to alter ego ever, keep healing with Wong, when you can and combo it with Get Ready to double heal a turn

If you get Mystical Studies

5 Invocation cards