Monica Honed her Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Interstellar Bebop 41 32 9 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

KakitaJamie · 333

Concept isn't new, Honed Technique + big Aggression Attack cards = win. What's new is Aggressive Energy & Marked. dr00 has a couple of great builds already that do this for other hereos. My personal favorite is his Nebula build: I wanted to take the concept an apply it to a hero that easily got Aerial to take advantage of Dive Bomb.


Step 1

Step 2

  • Prepare to Attack. Angela & Looking for Trouble help you get a minion out. Hopefully one with low health. Marked then gives your Attacks overkill, so we aren't wasting damage on a minion. Worth consideration to use Angela to attack the minion to get it's health as close to 1 as possible.

Step 3

  • Attack. No Quarter is probably the best option to start, as it should be doing 8 with Honed Technique and 9-10 with Aggressive Energy. Then you should draw a number of cards and be able to afford a big attack event, like Dive Bomb. Saving cards that will allow you to go off again. Hopefully you had Marked for that but there will be some turns where you don't get one down. NOTE: With No Quarter you still draw off of it when advancing the villian with excess damage.

Step 4

  • Re-load. Go back to Step 2 and repeat.

Spectrum forms:


brings reliable THW, which she severly lacks for high side scheme villians. This is also a resources for Energy Duplication.


brings ATK to lower minion health for better Overkills and removes Tough status when you flip into this form. This is also a resources for Energy Duplication.


with the low Ally count, minimal healing and potential high Minion count she will be taking a lot of damage. So this may be the best form while building.


Spots for when there is a better chance of getting minions on the board:

Looking for Trouble & Angela - if you are in a larger group game. There will be a better chance at minions without you having to search them out. That's about it, the deck is really tight and wants to keep a high Aggression count


Into the Fray - I only put 1. Between Looking for Trouble, Photon Speed, and Photon there is a decent amount of threat removal. Might add depending on the scenario.

Down Time - As alluded to above, this deck doesn't have much in the way of defense apart from sitting in Pulsar or the one of Moment of Triumph that's only good for when your going off. Down Time would be good to minimize time in alter-ego but will reduce your Aggression count.

Energy - We have too much requirement around and resources to make use of this as much as I'd like.

Follow Through - Always feels a bit win more. It costs 2 resources, often requiring most of a turn where you do nothing. There are too many other set-up cards that are better spent. Once Wolverine is released there is a better option too. This is where I made the cut for basic Resources.

Hall of Heroes - Takes a turn to set up and then probably another three turns to go off. In multiplayer I'd consider this an option in a minion heavy scenario but in solo it's not worth it. This is where I made the cut for Deft Focus.

Additional Allies - I could also see Throg, Marvel Boy, and Spider-Girl as options. Though you need to be conscious of resources not aligning with the deck.