Star-Lord and his Dogs with Fleas

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KakitaJamie · 327


Permanent Allies

  • (Dog 1) Wolverine can thwart each turn (w/ the heal). (The Fleas) Bug can attack or thwart each turn given Star-Lord attacks. (Dog 2) Cosmo can attack or thwart each with Peter Quill Smooth Talker.

Boosting Allies

  • Upgrades on Cosmo, Bug, and Wolverinepay off much better value because they stay on the board. Energy Spear can be attached to Bug and Cosmo, however since we are playing Star-Lord we get to attach it to Wolverine too. Sidearm gives us a way to get around Retaliate. Boot Camp gives every ally +1 ATK. Leader of the Guardians gives everyone +1 THW.

Other Allies

  • Professor X and Psylocke can Confuse the Villian enabling us to go into Alter-Ego to use the Peter Quill Smooth Talker more safely. Mockingbird similarly allows us some survivability through Stun and a block. Ironheart and Nick Fury are just there to get us to our Permanent Allies.

General Priorities -

1.) Bug, Cosmo, & Wolverine: Obviously with only three in the deck you want to prioritize not having to wait for a shuffle to get them out. Once this engine is going, it's hard for the board to destabilize.

2.) 1st Element Gun: This card can save games dealing with pesky minions.

3.) Draw: We need to get to priority 1 and this is the best way to achieve that goal. Star-Lord goes a great job of not making this deck as resource hungry as other decks. Just be careful not to over-extend on those encounter cards.

4.) Boot Camp & Leader of the Guardians: These are more powerful than any of the upgrades both for your permanent allies and the others that are there to support. Given Star-Lord we can afford to pay for these while developing/surviving.

5.) Ally ATK Upgrades: Might often be used in the first shuffle to pay for cards early but there are plenty. If you have a permanent ally out that fits though, these will be a big deal to get down.

6.) Everything else is situational based on surviving to until you're combo is online.

If you could get out the Fully Assembled board it would have:

Leader of the Guardians & Boot Camp

Attached Sidearm & Energy Spear to each of the 3 Permanent Allies

Wolverine: 2 THW per turn or 7 ATK every other turn.

Bug: 2 THW or 5 ATK per turn.

Cosmo: 2 THW or 5 ATK per turn.

Star-Lord: 3 THW or 3 ATK per turn. This doesn't include any Daring Escape or other upgrades.

In total that's some combination of up to 9 THW or 16.5 ATK per turn.

Flex Spots:

Plan B - Between the 2 Element Gun in the deck, this card should likely not get much use. The main benefit is that it's not an attack and therefore doesn't get retaliated. Additionally if there are obligations like Shapeshifter in the Mystique set, this card gives them a use. I'd customize this to your encounter.

Cards Considered:

Enraged - Only works with Cosmo where the other Upgrades work with everyone.

Attack Training - Works with Wolverine and Psylocke. Between Energy Spear and Sidearm, Wolverine doesn't really need more ATK. I want Psylocke to cycle to get more Confuse status to enable Cosmo.