We spies now, Sugah | S.H.I.E.L.D. + One Way or Another

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
SCL 1405 - Agent Anna Marie 1 1 0 1.0

esquiloclasta · 134

This is a typical good stuff S.H.I.E.L.D. list with some One Way or Another synergies. Rogue is one of my favourite heroes to play it with because she can get the S.H.I.E.L.D. trait herself. Plus, she' amazing at controlling threat, so why not benefit from pulling some side schemes?


  • If you piloted one of these spy decks before this should all be intuitive. One thing I'd say is prioritize setting up ASAP, as usual. Government Liaison is a great and cheap way to advance your gameplay early on.

  • How you use One Way or Another varies on your playstyle. Since Goin' Rogue and Homeland Intervention are great at removing large amounts of threat, I prefer summoning the most problematic/bigger side schemes right away instead of going for low threat ones. I like actively removing these from the encounter deck while I have control and information over the situation.

  • Chance Encounter is an obvious payoff to One Way or Another and allows you to repeatedly play Nick Fury, Monica Chang or Professor X.

  • Not playing Agent 13 or Dum Dum Dugan. They're both great, but not including them also makes me feel better about not including The Power in All of Us. I'd rather use One Way or Another to get resource advantage and keep the curve low.

  • I always thought Counterintelligence aged poorly but it actually still holds up well. We're not playing Under Surveillance, so it helps to have a plan B just in case something goes wrong with the main scheme while we're messing around with side schemes. Target Acquired is a valid alternative though, since boost abilities are getting sillier.

  • Monica Chang + Surveillance Team is another combo I previously found kinda memey, but it's surprinsigly effective since you can exhaust the supports to Homeland Intervention.

Note: whether or not you choose to count Touched towards the minimum deck size is up to you.
