Paging Dr. Danvers (Captain Marvel Leadership, Med Lab)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Captain Giant Draw 0 0 0 1.0
Captain Marvel - Medic 0 0 0 1.0
Captain Marvel - Medic 0 0 0 2.0
Captain Marvel - Medic 0 0 0 3.0
Captain Marvel - Medic 0 0 0 4.0
Captain Marvel - Medic 0 0 0 5.0

Schmendrix · 5438

"Nick! Sharon's in a coma in the ICU. Who are you paging??"

Dr. Danvers

On the occasion of Rogue's release, I thought it would be fun to revisit Captain Marvel given the two characters' complicated history. I was also looking for a platform to play with Med Lab. Lucky for me, if you want to make an aspect card look good, just play it in a Captain Marvel deck. But let me sell you on why this deck works and why this is an especially fun platform for Med Lab.

tl;dr: Abuse AE for card draw; frequency of AE makes Med Lab easy to use; Med Lab keeps high value allies (White Tiger, Spider-Woman) in rotation at a discount to Make the Call and without needing to be in hero mode like Rapid Response.

To get there, we need to lift up the hood and take a close look at the engine.

Go, go, go: Agent 13, Command Teams, and Alpha Flight Station

Fun fact: Alpha Flight Station is SHIELD traited. (This is known, but maybe not as widely as it should be!) So every time Agent 13 thwarts (or attacks, if you MUST), she readies Alpha Flight Station. In AE, this is about as fast as deck acceleration gets, especially when you Command Team to ready her a few times. So spending time in AE is even more valuable than the free card draw from Carol Danvers' Commander ability might suggest. This is important because spending time in AE is how we'll get value from Med Lab.

Stay alive: Spider-Woman

Jessica Drew helps us spend more time in AE greedily drawing through our decks like power hungry card goblins. She lands her confuse and suddenly with Med Lab, her 2 health is an asset, not a liability. She's two quick activations away from some restorative intravenous fluids. (If you want get really greedy, you can add Professor X but I haven't found any more confuse that necessary.) Your high thwart allies and the occasional confuse from Spider-Woman are plenty to keep you building your board state from the safety of AE.

Bling for days: Beast, White Tiger, Nick Fury, and economy Supports

This deck has pricy allies in all directions. Carol's inherent draw is supplemented by her Energy Absorption triple resource, Beast fetching it, and draw allies, to make it all work. Quincarrier, Helicarrier, and Avengers Mansion are all relatively easy plays to continue to build your board state. Med Lab itself is an economy card. We have Make the Call to recur allies from discard, but what Med Lab makes those allies cheaper to play as we don't need them in hand. Even if you don't need the "from your hand" effects, Med Lab creates value. But White Tiger makes full use of Med Lab and keeps you drawing. And spamming Beast is especially helpful to get a couple allies down to power up your Band Together.

Why 3x Band Together and not the other doubles you might ask?

Seal the deal: Energy Channel, Vision, Dum Dum Dugan

As you gobble cards cookie monster-style (nom nom nom) with Alpha Flight Station, you might be asking, but why? How do I win?

Three ways: 1. Energy Channel, 2. Big allies, 3. Photonic Blast as icing. Every time you find yourself with Energy odds and ends, dump them into Energy Channel for later. It's your savings account. Find yourself with a full Energy Channel and another in hand? Pop up to dump your savings in the form of 10 damage and play your second. Vision, Dum Dum Dugan dropping late game with 2-3 Command Teams is also extremely valuable to help close games. I've done 35 damage in a round. And this is why we're using Band Together instead of the doubles - when you want to drop two Energy Channel bombs in a round, you want the energy resources, and Carol's card draw and filtered draw with Alpha Flight Station makes up for Band Together whiffs in the first couple turns.

Until next time ...

The deck's 41 cards - you cut one. :)


Feb 26, 2023 journeyman2 · 23953

People sleep on Captain Marvel, but she’s still soooooo good!

Feb 26, 2023 VJakson · 23

I too have been wanting to revisit Capt Marvel, especially with Rogue. I think you can even get cute if you are playing them together and sun in Kaalu and/or other trait Allies to help feed Rogue traits. What’s more thematic than Rogue stealing from Carol??

Feb 26, 2023 dr00 · 43745

everyone out here making gambit and rogue and you out here making fire

Feb 27, 2023 Man-is-Obsolete · 5148

Played this twice and it is incredible. Only complaint is that it can be quite bit of admin to deal with 15 cards in a turn lol

Feb 28, 2023 betadjinn · 5

Seems there's gotta be huge potential here for Sneak Attack to go with Med Lab. With access to SHIELD and Avenger traits, you have so many options. Dum Dum Dugan in particular would be easy to sneak in and send to the lab. And this might be dumb, but maybe even extra copies of Clarity of Purpose could help you take down your toughest allies in a pinch before they get discarded

Mar 01, 2023 Schmendrix · 5438

@betadjinn This is an interaction I've been thinking about a lot. I think the best place to look is in existing Sneak Attack/Rapid Response decks, just sneaking in a Med Lab. Captain Marvel is a great platform for that.

Mar 01, 2023 betadjinn · 5

@Schmendrix Good to hear. I’ve run such decks previously (someone did a really good one for Widow, but Cap M seems fully capable as well) and been very impressed once past the first bit of awkwardness (which again, Cap M can power through better than Widow in all likelihood). I think I’ve accidentally locked my brain out of Make the Call because it’s just so good and it ended up in all my decks for such a long while that I got sick of it. On a hero overflowing with resources, though, it is an especially effective and versatile card (even if it doesn’t have a lightning bolt in the corner :’(

Jun 29, 2023 VanillaVilty · 1

Thoughts on ditching Vision and White Tiger to add in 2-3 Call for Aid to immediately hit Spider-Woman?

Aug 22, 2023 Schmendrix · 5438

@VanillaVilty I think that's a good call in solo, but I might drop Maria Hill instead of White Tiger in that situation.