Star-Lord: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

szrlm · 4

Lots of campaign missions have Victory side schemes. This is a deck designed to ferret those out as well as put out fires in mass when you and your team have a bad round of encounter cards, though some of that may be your fault. Between reducing the cost of your big cards by 3 with your hero ability, and the extra cards you'll draw with One Way or Another and Chance Encounter you should have plenty of flexibility in what you can play each turn. While there's only 2 Avengers here for Problem Solvers, they are also your best 2 allies, one of which has a re-ready mechanic to make it's use easier. But this deck really makes Jessica Jones shine. In my play she was getting up to THW 5 or 6, which with her becoming a Guardian made her a super valuable asset to the team, especially for her cost. Venom may be an odd choice, but for decent stats and staying as a Justice ally so The Power of Justice works on him, he's not bad. There's certainly a case for swapping him for Bishop or War Machine.