Ms. Marvel Even the Odds

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KakitaJamie · 327

LCG Discord Card Spotlight

Goal to build a deck that features the current spotlit card: Even the Odds

Oh it hit's multiple side schemes... Oh Shrink pumps Even the Odds... Oh Ms. Marvel can recur it to hand every turn if needed.

This is NOT a solo deck. You will depend on teammates to maintain the board while you build up to the combo turn.


One Way or Another

We recur this as much as we are comfortable to build up a big board of Side Schemes, while using the draw to get out Overwatch, Followed, Sense of Justice, Biokinetic Polymer Suit, & most importantly Shrink

Even the Odds

and to a lesser extent Multitasking to soften up the side schemes. Use Passion for Justice & Shrink to make big Thwarts. Trigger a bunch of upgrades.

When to go off?

I'd wait for 3 side schemes and to have Followed and Overwatch on all three. You will trigger for 3 x 4 damage (Followed) and 3 damage (Even the Odds). Overwatch is variable but these will help you get the Main Scheme down if you had any issues due to Patrol or Crisis Icons. You can certainly go off with more than 3 but, I would want to keep Side Schemes in for rebuilding to do it again.

RULES NOTE: Sadly Embiggen! doesn't work with Even the Odds.


Wasp is the the mainly there because of Crisis Icons that are likely to be on Side Schemes. Jessica Jones is there to keep the main under control with buffs from the side schemes we're leaving out. Quake is cheap and an . Quasar can help you set-up for the big turn.


One Way or Another #3 - With Ms. Marvel being above to recur the event, you should only ever need one. However, you want to get the 1st as soon as possible.


Spider-Man - We aren't looking to clear side schemes early but there are some scenarios with huge side schemes where I'd consider him. He also costs 5 in a deck that only has the basic resources to assist in paying for him

Eros - Is cheap with a decent THW. If you need to defend more then this is good for that.

Wraith - I love Wraith as tech against annoying boosts. Doesn't fit the theme but worth a consider.

Even the Odds #3 - You really don't need a full 3 of this card with all of the card draw off of One Way or Another and the potential to stash them with Bruno Carrelli.

Skilled Investigator - It is not quite the engine it is in other decks since we want to clear multiple schemes in one turn instead of 1 per turn.

More Operative Skill - May be worth running more but you can only have 1 in play at a time and you should get to it when you're running One Way or Another every turn.