Venom "Picture" Deck for Get Up and Game! Perfect Match Up

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

pendin · 21

This was my game THREE in the Get Up and Game! Perfect Match Up featuring Venom vs Drang! I am challenging myself to work through the perfect game matchups with each deck built on the concept of including at least one of every card possible in the chosen aspect that includes an image of the hero. This challenge gets me using cards I may not normally use, but also gets me to pay more attention to the cool artwork that I often overlook.

So the main Venom picture cards I had to work with in aggression were Clobber and Symbiote Suit. Not a lot to go with, and I fully intended to use the Symbiote suit if I could get it out, but by the time I did I had already won. Outside of the guns, the stars of this deck are Drop Kick, The Power of Aggression, and Helicarrier. The combination of the three, with some help from Psylocke, Combat Training and Venom's Pistol attack modification, #multi-gun, and a well timed Run and Gun which just devastated expert Drang clean out of existence.

I am rating the theming of this deck at a 1/5. Not a lot to build around, and what there was, did not synergize too well with Venom. The stun and confuse lock concept however worked really well, which was a lot of fun.