Domino's Lucky Blue Dice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SoloMarvelChampion · 1347

Domino's Lucky Blue Dice

"Blue" Dice is for Leadership. This is version 2.0 of this deck, (which was changed extensively after the original 1.0 posting) and is almost identical to the deck I ran through NeXt Evolution.



  • First Aid will get you extra activations out of any ally, but the real targets here are (generally in this order) Outlaw, Gamora, Adam Warlock and Beast.
  • Make the Call is a must in a deck that has you discarding from the top of your deck for when you discard an ally, and Weapon X & Gamora will (usually) discard multiple cards at a time.

Player Side Schemes:

The rest:

  • Digging Deep: This is not just a resource in a Domino deck because of her Swap action! Swap it for the top card, use one of many "discard top card" abilities in the deck and it counts for 2, then don't use it as a resource unless you have to. It doesn't take up a card draw because you'll get to swap it to the top every turn for the card you would have drawn anyway.
  • I really haven't been using the "single resource with an effect" resource cards, but I like Innovation here for the same reason as First Aid: to get an extra activation out of any ally, but with a slightly different priority list - Outlaw, Diamondback, and Gamora.
  • Weapon X is good to get and extra card coming out of alter-ego, but it's great when you may also discard Digging Deep and / or White Fox. It's also no big deal if it discards Gamora, because you can't "play" her anyway!
  • Rapid Response also has a different priority list (for me) than the healing cards: Beast to keep the "Jackpot! wheel" spinning (see below), Outlaw, Gamora, Adam Warlock, and Diamondback if you're still covered up with minions.
  • I completely misread Sharpshooter, which is why it didn't make the version 1.0 cut, but it effectively doubles the number of Domino's Pistols you have in play!

Getting the most out of Jackpot!

A 3-Resource card is good for playing expensive cards (like Beast, because you'll get it right back), and while I'm happy to see Jackpot! on top when it gets discarded, I haven't been forcing it there except in certain circumstances:
  • I have a minion, scheme or even the villain which an extra 3 would take care of (using Probability Field, etc.)
  • The deck is running low (so it's shuffled into a thin deck)
  • I'm running low on health and want to flip down to recover (again using Probability Field, which will let me recover for 6).

You can also get a lot more out of Jackpot! using Domino's "swap" abilities - in alter-ego, hero, and with Pip the Pug (which is a card I completely underestimated) - and when deciding NOT to use Jackpot's Response, and I didn't discover most of it until after my NeXtEv run.

An example I never employed during my run (but could have) is swapping Jackpot! to the top and then using any of your "discard from top" abilities but don't trigger Jackpot's Response. Then flip down and use Pip the Pug to place it on top and Recover for 6 and again don't trigger the Response. Use her alter-ego ability to swap a card in your hand for it, then use it to play an expensive card and leave it there on the top of your discard pile. Then next turn you can swap it, play another card with it, Pip it to top, flip to hero and either use it with a "discard from top" effect or swap it with a card from your hand.


Domino provides a really intense mulligan process imo, because sequencing can make a huge difference when you're playing her. Getting the cards you want on top of your deck is key, and that starts as early as your mulligan! There are a couple cards I feel strongly about having in my opening hand:
  • Pip the Pug and The Painted Lady are huge priorities in this deck because they help the "moving cards around" abilities of Domino.
  • Probability Field is also a keeper, but any upgrade or ally that facilitates "discard top card" will do.
  • Weapon X is a keeper because I can only play and use it in alter-ego.