SCL 1601 - Upside the Global Logistics

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

josseroo · 702

My deck for my official rounds of

Solo Champions League Season 16, Round 1 - (09/16/23-10/07/23)

  • Villain: Ebony Maw + Bomb Scare + Black Order + Ship Command
  • Difficulty: Standard
  • Hero: Black Widow
  • Aspect: Aggression, Justice, Leadership, Protection, or All Basic

Official games

  • Game 1: 6 turns, 15HP hero side, clean board. Initial spell was a Fireball that ended the game with 1 counter left. Flipped down on the final turn and drew Quake off of Mission Prep to have enough damage to finish it.
  • Game 2: 6 turns, 13HP hero side, clean board. First spell was a fireball and I managed to end the game with it still having 1 counter left. I had to get a luck double-boost-icon pull from Wiccan on the final turn to get enough damage to win.
  • Game 3: 7 turns, 19HP hero side, clean board. Started with Rubblestorm as the initial spell and tried to let it tick down as quickly as it could. I was one damage short to finish it on turn 6. On turn 6 I used global logistics to set up setting off 5 preps: Counterintelligence with stage 1 of the villain phase, Attacrobatics for 1 with Ebony Maw's attack, Espionage with a brand new fireball, Spycraft to cancel Agent of Thanos and then Grappling Hook to cancel Assault. That was a total of 6 damage on Ebony Maw's turn. Sadly, I was already so well setup to win the next turn that it didn't have a real impact.

Some notes:

  • The deck was built around using confuse to facilitate flipping down and to minimize the number of times the spells tick down.
  • Build Support was included help get Safe House #29 out as quickly as possible, but in practice I always felt I had better plays when I drew it earlier than Safe House #29. I would probably cut this if I did it all again.
  • I'm 50/50 on including Float Like a Butterfly but think it is a very viable replacement for Build Support. The issue with Float Like a Butterfly is that you are often wanting to flip down on the same turn that the confuse happens so it doesn't end up resulting in a lot of damage
  • Spycraft is there for the turns that you flip down to AE and can't otherwise trigger a prep. It also saves you from spells when you are in hero form.
  • I would typically include two copies of Surveillance Team with Monica Chang but you are typically ending the game on the turn after you have gone through your deck so are never looking for the second copy
  • Given the length of the games, this could be a match to consider playing a 50-card deck, at which point Build Support becomes very important.