Ni me mataron y mejoré

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

nitrinho · 10

After few games with my previus Wolverine protection deck ( I felt that it didn't work at all and these are my thoughts:


Coloso, Polaris and Armor work pretty well blocking attacks when we are at low health, but Rockslide is dispensable at it's pricy.

Protectores mutantes was the way to play expensive allies, but with two copies of the event is not feasible: a third copy is a must and it needs a couple of additional allies... which breaks my 40 card count. By subtracting this ally, the card count gets a -1, great!


A part from the Mutant Protectors issue, Esquiva lateral unexplicabily didn't work, with 13 + 2 cards. Maybe late-playing Nervios de acero is the key.

Desafío, Invertir las tornas and Lo que no me mata work as a charm. Three copies of each, please!


Nervios de acero hasn't worked for me: the deck used to have 6 DEFENSE cards and two of them at 0cost, which it makes difficult to justify its inclusion.

Gen-X is not useless, but using Garras de Lobezno to play the attacks at no resource cost, its inclussion its not justified.

Atfer this point the deck needs more protection, so three copies of Barrera de energía will help us to stay more turns in Heroe (and dealing damage too).


The combination of supports work perectly. [La Enfermera de Noche] (/card/09019) works perectly with Demonios del pasado, as you don't want to switch to alter-ego and keep on attacking.


By adding the Energy Barriers, now we 11 protection cards that benefits from El poder de la protección. A couple of copies will work, and a copule of are always welcome!

Preservación is not a game changer, but another to thecollection and 1 HP healed :)

40 cards

Now the count matches my objectives. I can consider a second copy of Aguante (as it's a must for Wolverine) by removing the Preservación.


The main objective remains as the previous deck.

Have fun!