Aggro-batics! (Status, High Damage)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SushiRoll · 25



The goal is to set up Spider-Man (Miles Morales) with his supports and upgrades, all while mitigating threat and killing minions. Going back to Alter-Ego helps in drawing more cards with Ganke Lee & Hall of Heroes, then you can chip (stackable) damage with Surprise Attack when you go back to Hero form.

Once set up, use Miles' kit to set up statuses with Defense Mechanism, Power Within, Web-Shot and Swing In in order to deal massive turn damage with Arachnobatics. (Most I've done so far was 35!)

Set-up targets:

Other upgrades to consider would Fluid Motion & Combat Training when danger is low– but for the most part, they're least priority and can be used as / resources.

"You'll Pay for That!" & Brute Force should be used when applicable to help get remove Tough and to mitigate Threat, otherwise also just additional / resources.

Ghost-Spider and Spider-Man are just the best allies for a Web-Warrior. Period.


Brute Force, Fluid Motion and "You'll Pay for That!" are situational cards and can be replaced for the following:

  • Sunfire is a very good attachment remover, useful in many situations.
  • Enhanced Reflexes/ Enhanced Physique were originally in this deck as resource generators (to fulfill Miles' kit requirements), but upon testing they were used mostly as resources instead of played. Still could be beneficial though!
  • Plan of Attack** for the improved likelihood of getting a Miles kit events in the mid-to-late game.
  • Press the Advantage** for the added draw, since Miles' kit can readily accomplish the condition.

** I don't own it