N00b Support System

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ronald_McGonagall · 44

This deck is part of a tutorial series for introducing new players to the game, intended to be played by the experienced player in support of Spider-Man (https://marvelcdb.com/deck/view/675018).

While Spidey is doing very little aside from "play a card, do the damage", Ms. Marvel will be thwarting for two and probably handling more than her share. This deck walks a very fine line: on one hand, it should be basic and approachable enough that a new player should be able to get a sense of what Justice is from watching you support them with this deck. On the other hand, it needs to be able to handle more than normal without becoming so complicated that a new player tunes it out to focus on their own stuff. Luckily, Kamala is the ideal character for this because the event-based thwarting is straightforward enough for the new player to witness and become familiar with (even while they focus on their own thing) but also plays directly into her gimmick and allows her to keep things under control.

For Basic cards, we essentially mirror what the new player has, but add in some upgrades to either enable ourselves to best help the newbie, or to throw into their player area if they're struggling to keep it together.

While the new player does their thing, it should be very easy for them to pick up on your tactic of "play a card, remove the threat," as it's directly parallel to what they'll be doing with damage (we even include Impede, the Justice version of their Clobber). When Monica Chang comes in and synergizes with Surveillance Team, a new player who feels a bit overwhelmed can easily tune this out and ignore it, while one who's keeping up a bit better can learn about things beyond event-based play. Other cards like Skilled Investigator, Under Surveillance and Counterintelligence have sufficiently straightforward effects, and most new players should also be able to pick up on what Justice has to offer aside from direct event-based thwarting without distracting them from their task.

Despite being built to facilitate new player support, you can't be faffing about by removing a threat here or there, or focusing on nothing but thwarting. You need to be doing a lot. That's where Ms. Marvel comes in.

I go in for a hard mulligan, looking to get Shrink into play as soon as possible. This means that a single Crisis Averted will be removing 8 threat, while lower thwart events like For Justice! and Sneak By can be bolstered, recalled with Morphogenics, then dropped again. Using these tactics, you should be able to remove just about any amount of threat from any scheme with a single thwart event, and so should be able to focus most of your other energy helping out newbie, whether that means tossing them a Down Time, popping Big Hands to help them deal with a minion or teaching them about unique characters by denying them Nick Fury because you already have him out.

This deck has been tested as described in the Spider-Man deck.


Mar 08, 2024 Tendiest · 33

(https://marvelcdb.com/deck/view/675018). Your link doesn't work. You have to enable "Share your decks" in settings.

Mar 08, 2024 Tendiest · 33

Or you got the wrong link

Mar 08, 2024 Ronald_McGonagall · 44

Thanks for the heads up! I've updated that on my account now so it should be working

Mar 08, 2024 andyr · 4593

I love the theme and Ms Marvel Justice!! It’s a great pairing and a good deck. Thanks for posting both of them. They worked so well together!

Mar 08, 2024 Ronald_McGonagall · 44

Thanks for the feedback! I'm happy you liked them :) I'll be posting the rest of the tutorial sets soon