The Strange Avengers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

pinkerton · 71

Relatively cheap deck if you don't have that many cards yet.

The idea of the deck is to maximize Goliath, Vision & Iron Man

Attach Sky Cycle and Inspired to play them to their maximum potential. Together with Seven Rings of Raggadorr and Get Ready, these allies can get some insane turns.

Team Training is a must to keep them alive for another activation.

I use Hawkeye and Black Knight to take care of annoying minions mostly.

Avengers Tower vs The Triskelion.

This is up to you. Ally limit is usually lost because you will be playing Wong, but I like the cost reduction for the Avenger allies.

You can swap Quincarrier for Helicarrier to make this deck require less packs.


May 07, 2024 Ulquichoto · 1

This is an awesome deck! first tried the hood on heroic solo! congrats

Jun 03, 2024 fluffyseaotter · 68

Really solid deck! Maybe try adding a copy of reinforced suit to go along with the upgrade synergy on iron man?

Aug 01, 2024 pinkerton · 71

That's a good suggestion @fluffyseaotter. I did not own Ant-Man pack when I made this deck! I have some new cards now so I might revisit this one!