Venom Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Lockdown -- Venom Stun Aggression 301 245 22 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

kkkttt · 1

Thank you so much from 'Saan Lockdown -- Venom Stun Aggression' deck inspiring this deck. This deck basicly copied the idea from it and added some new card to use.


Ally choice


Playing against the Standard II deck will weaken this deck make it harder to survive, add more ally to block the way so that Venom not going to die before Project Rebirth 2.0 have drawn. Rocket Raccoon would be a good ally because Venom has guardian key words, also can be a resource, it will so useful since this deck required so much resource type limited. Spider-Man can keep it, I switched it just because my friend was playing Miles Morales so I can't put it in deck.

Wolverine is a good substitute, since it can stay longer to prevent much more damage, if you can't add it, you would just add one more Mockingbird for , I usually don't play mockingbird since it reqirued 3 cost.


Changes and idea


List text hereNot all boss will push lots of minions to you , Hall of Heroes not that important so I switch it. This deck only have 3 resticted weapon, so Locked and Loaded usually is a resource, I would draw 1 weapon upgrade while set up, and the others will be played whenever I drew it. Behind Enemy Lines has saved me so many times, don't throw it easily, play it wisely. Spider-Sense need 2 cost to activate it, it means 1 health and 1 card most of the time, not a good exchange, saved it for Behind Enemy Lines is a more wise choice. Drop Kick is so powerful is this deck, you can see I added more card in this deck for it, Drop kick + Grasping Tendrils combo can knock the boss even in Standard II.

Martial Prowess can genarate resoruce for Drop Kick and Press the Advantage, it can also for Savage Attack if you strike to the boss (overkill is not necessary), so you may feel it powerless since Helicarrier much stronger, but no one hate to reduce more cost isn't it? ;)

Run and Gun will so helpful when you have bullied by the encounter deck, also when you already have all the weapon control, it will become more powerful, but probably only can play it at later stage.

Hope you have fun to play this deck, feel free to comment below.