Doctor Strong

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Doctor 0 0 0 1.0
Doctor Strong cosmo 0 0 0 1.0
Cosm(o)ic Doctor Strong 0 0 0 1.0
Doctor Strong 2.0 1 0 0 1.0

Web-Warrior Fanatic · 15566

The most Generic & “Boring” Deck

Community perception is that Dr. Strange is the strongest hero in Marvel Champions. Most people I've spoken to told me that the best way to play Strange is with Earth's Mightiest Heroes and a swarm of allies... so that's what we're going to do. This is the most generic leadership deck and the strongest way i can think of to play him.

Dr. Strange versus Ronan:

Dr. Strange versus Ultron:

Dr. Strange & Star-Lord versus Ronan:


Dr. Strange’s Spell Mastery requires him to exhaust in order to use his invocation deck. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes can ready up Strange for more invocations as long we can exhaust another Avenger character we control. So this is an Avengers deck with cheap allies like Blade so we can get extra readies. This also has synergy with Seven Rings of Raggadoor because we can give our allies tough status cards and have them block for us as well.

This deck runs 2 copies of Honorary Avenger. They’re meant to be played on Dr. Strange so he has the Avengers trait in alter-ego and also on Wong, who wants to remain in play for us to cycle through the invocation deck. This will keep Mighty Avengers active and give all Avengers allies +1 THW/ATK. Are the allies going to be activating enough to get full use out of it since we’re having them block and exhaust with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes? Probably not lol but we’ll see. (Be careful because Nick Fury will turn off Mighty Avengers, but he’s too good especially early game before we get the Avengers stuff set up)

This generic list for Strange is exactly what many people describe as “boring” and “repetitive” as we’re basically just cycling through the invocation deck over and over to use Strange’s strongest spells… but I find his sequencing fun! Hope you enjoy this deck and feel the power of Dr. Strong!


Jul 13, 2024 fluffyseaotter · 80

Who cares if it's "boring." It works!!

Jul 13, 2024 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 15566

@fluffyseaotter I agree. The only real "boring" thing in Marvel Champions to me is Loki! He's the worst.

Jul 14, 2024 mv2392 · 102

Why not run SIN in this deck? Strange cycling his deck twice in one turn is the strongest way to play him!

Jul 15, 2024 sn0wball · 49

Just yesterday we assembled a nearly identical deck: we decided against the Das Triskelion, because we don´t expect enough allies to survive long enough.

Won´t Nick Fury mess up with Mighty Avengers? You can make Wong a Avenger Ehrenhalber, but that won´t work for Fury.

Jul 15, 2024 KingOfRohan · 5056

@sn0wball If you have Mighty Avengers out, try to attack/thwart with all of your Avenger allies, then play Nick Fury. Then he'll block for you or be discarded and Mighty Avengers will be back online. You can also just use Nick Fury as you are building and then don't bother playing him in the later game when you have Mighty Avengers, Avengers Tower, and a full board of Avengers.

Jul 16, 2024 J__G · 229

The only thing I see missing is Spiritual Meditation. I'd drop Rapid Response, Make the Call, and Power of Leadership for three copies, personally. Deck cycling for the cloak, EMH, or something else is key.

Jul 16, 2024 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 15566

@mv2392 Hey man, I'm not sure what SIN stands for!

@sn0wball Nice! Yeah this build was inspired by Strange enthusiasts and conversations I've had undervaluing him. @KingOfRohan perfectly described how I run Nick Fury in this deck. Nick turns off Mighty Avengers but he's great early game before everything is set up and I can always have the allies activate before playing Nick late game.

Jul 16, 2024 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 15566

@J__G After playing this deck more, I'd definitely agree on swapping out Power of Leadership. I'd personally keep Make the Call and Rapid Response though, as I find myself not having good targets to play when drawing 9 cards with the Winds of Watoomb + Master of the Mystic Arts combo.

Jul 16, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 681

Sin is strength in numbers

Jul 16, 2024 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 15566

@Castlefrank47 oh gotcha thanks Frank. @mv2392 I find that Strange has enough card draw, but really values allies being ready for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and their basic activations from the bonus stats from Mighty Avengers. Ideally id want to throw in some Command Teams but deck space is limited.

Jul 16, 2024 reellis · 1

I have a similar deck that I use Sky Cycle to ready Wong after making him an Honorary Avenger. I also like using Summoning Spell to bring in higher cost Avenger allies like Captain America or Giant-Man

Jul 18, 2024 Panukers · 1

Sin stands for strength in numbers

Jul 19, 2024 fluffyseaotter · 80

`@reellis I too made a deck with sky cycle + honorary avenger on Wong. Broken combo in most situations