Katniss EverGreen - Sniping from an Armored Nest

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Sniping avenger 1 1 0 1.0

gore · 22


Stay alive and protected by your Forcefield Generator, waiting for the right time to Repurpose it to unleash hell on your enemies. Don't worry, if you ever get tired and exhausted outside your nest, just call one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Blade, portrayed by Wesley SNIPES himself! Still feeling you're not ready enough and afraid of bringing a glass cannon against heavy hitter villains? What Doesn't Kill Me also helps you with that!

This is a "ready deck" focusing on both Hawkeye's core mechanic to play 2+ Arrow events in a turn while also mitigating his weakness in the form of his low HP and vulnerability.


There are a total of 9 readies in the deck:

Disclaimer #1 - Originally I thought about adding either Anticipation or Indomitable, but like in most of your Hawkeye games, you won't ever use your basic DEF. Well, MAYBE if you really, really want to save your Forcefield Generator in order to have a bonkers next turn with Repurpose...

Disclaimer #2 - I know that most Repurpose decks run Energy Barrier, but I just didn't find that useful during my test plays and I rather played FG each and every time I had the chance instead of EB.

That's more that enough to constantly have Hawkeye either:

  • Use his 3 ATK (which can be boosted up to 6 with the good ol' Repurpose + Forcefield Generator combo) AND play a 2nd Arrow event readying up his bow
  • Play even 3 Arrow events on your turn

And don't worry - if you ever feel Stunned or Confused - The Night Nurse is here to help you out.


Okay, yes, the nest is only "armored" because of the pun on Armored Vest - but you won't actually need that card.

Ideally, Forcefield Generator mitigates 5 damage for you before you find some other... purpose for the card. Electrostatic Armor is also just basically here for the Repurpose shenanigans. Sure, it only adds +1 to your ATK/THW/DEF, but the real value of it is a ready at the right place and and right time for a potential of 3 x Arrow events in a turn if only have a Repurpose in your hand and no EMH or WDKM.

And Endurance, well, Endurance is just here because of Hawkeye's general impression since his debut...


Blade is an extremely good card on this deck - for 2 ER, you get the best target for EMH all game. Anf if all hell Breaks (hehh, Brooks) loose, you can also use him for a critical activation.

Brother Voodoo is also an Avengers, so he also works with EMH + he helps you find whatever event (Repurpose, Earth's Mightiest Heroes, What Doesn't Kill Me) you need for your current situation - including Arrow events, of course!

Clea is just here for a cheap chump block if you run out of all options. Even if you run out of options multiple times because of her Response ability. Oh, and if you don't need her and feels like a dead card in your hard? Just feed her to Blade - he'll love him some Dark Dimension Blood.


  1. Forcefield Generator
  2. Blade
  3. One of your economy cards: Expert Marksman, Helicarrier, Quincarrier, Avengers Mansion


Endurance, Clea, Electrostatic Armor or 1-2 copies of What Doesn't Kill Me are all great choices to remove from the deck in my opinion.


Energy Barrier can always find its way here, I just prefer Forcefield Generator more. Victor Mancha is also a cheap and great ally to either block or exhaust for EMH - I'm just a fan of thematic picks, that's why I went with the SHIELD + Midnight Suns combination of characters.