SP//dr Rebooted

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Robot Taunt: The Dance Off 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Stretch · 456

SP//dr can be fun, because she doesn't really need allies or resources. This is great in scenarios where you can't chump block or you take damage from the number of resources on discarded cards. Unfortunately, SP//dr plays herself, which can get old fast, but with a few newer cards, it is nice to return to her every now and then.

Per the usual, you want interface upgrades ASAP, All Systems Go! for Host Spider and Speed-Metal Alloy. Taunt is here to help with All Systems Go! to find all of the interface upgrades quickly at the expense of villain hits that you can likely soak. Spider-Tingle early helps provide a buffer to help with double villain attacks and schemes, but one could use Pinned Down if there are more minions in the encounter deck, Not Today! for more threat, or Limitless Stamina for flexibility versus an unfamiliar villain. I try to use Thwip! Thwip! and Spider-Tingle with all web-warriors for theme.

For pacing, there are no high cost supports like Avengers Mansion or Helicarrier. Once your interfaces are in place, you don't need any generators at all. Use the Alloy to add to your defense when you don't have a Desperate Defense to trigger the Perfect-Defense cards Unflappable and Hard to Ignore. Rapid Deployment is great for threat, but SP//dr's flexibility is in using your readies wisely. In Standard II, I had three villain attacks and a minion attack in the villain phase, so Render Medical Aid is there for emergencies. Angel's Aerie is more efficient than Down Time, because you'll probably only need to flip down late in a game after many defenses, if you flip down at all.

Once built out, you can just use cards to get rid of villain attachments and start ramping up damage with Powerful Punch and Energy Barrier used with Repurpose. Dropping cards to ready an interface with SP//dr Command and All Systems Go! readies you, and the loops of readies are ridiculous. That is why there are no allies in this deck; they just slow down building and end game pacing. Silk and Spider-Man are both pretty great though.


Oct 28, 2024 gamesncardsmitch · 355

I agree SP//dr is fun. Since your running Powerful Punch did you consider running Change of Fortune and "Come Get Me, Bub!"? SP//dr loves card draw and "Come Get Me, Bub!" could be a good way to deal with Taunt attacks.

Oct 29, 2024 Stretch · 456

@MitchMarvelI think Change of Fortune is an excellent idea, and I don't really end up needing Repurpose, but I like Energy Barrier for knocking off toughs. "Come Get Me, Bub!" gave new life to Thor and others, but I think early on, minions are a weakness for SP//dr, and you can just absorb villain hits early with the Taunt building. That said, Hard to Ignore often feels like thwarting overkill, so there lots of flexibility to add that. I'm thinking of adding more thwip cards for big minions early game.