Feeding the Symbiote Changes Your Fortune

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Castlefrank47 · 1094

Change of Fortune has been a hot card since it dropped with Nightcrawler. There were quite a few heroes that everyone knew it was going to be great for. Venom is one of those characters that i feel is not only really fun but interacts well with aspect cards and allows him to fit into a multitude of deck archetypes.

Even though he doesn't have anything in kit to trigger CoF, he's a perfect fit due to his signature ability. He can generate a wild resource once per phase which allows us to pay for defense events or unique abilities to power our strategy.

We're at 43 cards because of the amount of upgrades and card draw this deck has. We will be cycling through quite a bit once set up.

In this deck we're using "Come Get Me, Bub!" (another new favorite) to summon minions allowing us to defeat them during the villain stage triggering Change of Fortune. We're also going to have a sort of perfect defense setup from Venom as well. Fully set up, we can draw 5 cards during the villain phase. We can also generate a card draw during our turn with the Starhawk loop with Knowhere.

Play Starhawk attack or thwart. Next turn do the other which bounces him back to hand. Play him again triggering knowhere and draw a card.

Spider-Sense draws us a card everytime the villain initiates an attack.

Unflappable draws us a card when we defend without taking damage.

Clearing Specialized Training and putting in Defense Specialist draws us a card when we basic defend.

Change of Fortune draws 2 cards when we defeat an enemy during the villains turns.

To power our "perfect defense" we want both of Venom's Pistol out along with defense specialist which pushes his defense to 5. Northstar also provides value as he can take a damage to negate a boost card all but ensuring that Venom can defend without taking damage along side his 4 or 5 defense.

Hard to Ignore removes 1 threat from the main everytime we defend without taking damage. We have 2 copies to ensure we keep the main scheme down as we will be defending quite a bit.

Indomitable allows us to ready after defending which can set us up to attack/thwart during our turn or defend against a 2nd attack if need be.

Electrostatic Armor deals a damage to the enemy when we defend.

Multi-Gun isn't part of the perfect defense but it's an important card with its ability to remove 2 threat from any scheme, deal 2 damage to an enemy or deal 1 damage to each minion in play.

Now that we've talked about the setup, these are the ways to defeat enemies during the villain stage:

Powerful Punch deals 4 damage to an enemy when they attack.

Riposte gives +2 defense and if you take no damage on that defense, you deal 3 damage to the enemy.

Electrostatic Armor can finish off an enemy with one hp left.

Nova can deal 2 damage to an enemy when you spend an energy resource. The great thing about Venom is that he can take 1 damage to generate a wild resource during EACH phase. This means you can pay for Nova's ability without a resource generator or spending a resource from hand.

Important note that Nova cannot finish off an enemy to trigger CoF. He can soften them up however.

A sample villain turn when we're built out can look like this. Have a tough from come get me which we use to block the villains attack drawing a card from spider sense.

Defend against the minion triggering unflappable, hard to ignore and defense specialist while also using one of our ways to defeat the minion. This would draw 4 cards and remove 2 threat.

Some ways to ensure that you defeat a minion during the villain phase:

Come and get me brings out a 5 health minion. Use multi gun to put them down to 3 health. During their turn you could use powerful punch, Riposte or nova's ability coupled with Electrostatic Armor to defeat them.

Same scenario but you've already used multi-gun.

Powerful punch and Electrostatic would do the trick.

Nova's ability coupled with Riposte would do the trick also

Leave the villain with 1 health and when defending Electrostatic would defeat them.

It's not uncommon to have 7 or more cards when you start your turn. This makes paying for Run and Gun to set up big turns super easy. Paying for Behind Enemy Lines to remove some threat or paying for Savage Attack to deal 5 damage.

Med Team keeps Northstar and Nkva topped off so we can use their abilities to power our strategy.

Jocasta is great to grab us a defense event from discard ensuring that we have one to trigger CoF during the villain phase. They also provide some really solid thwart.

Superpower Training can get us multi-gun or spider-sense accelerating our setup.

Overall this deck has been a ton of fun and it showcases how versatile Venom can be. You're able to take advantage of his unique ability to take a damage generating a resource because come and get me heals you right back up.

I'd love to hear any feedback on the deck or experiences with it!


Oct 28, 2024 gamesncardsmitch · 113

I didn't think of Venom as a good hero for Change of Fortune but you're right with being able to use the Symbiotic Bond once per phase, Venom is a nice fit. Cool deck, thanks for sharing!

Oct 28, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 1094

@MitchMarvel appreciate you checking it out! Hope it works for you if you test it out. I played a lot of Change of Fortune when it came out but I didn't think about Venom initially. He runs it really well in my opinion.

Oct 31, 2024 gamesncardsmitch · 113

`@Castlefrank47 played a few games with it and it worked great. I didn't make any changes it but I'd consider using Side Step in place of Riposte. I want to like Riposte but generally prefer the flexibility of Side Step and being able to use it when being attacked by a minion without having to exhaust. Any thoughts?

Oct 31, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 1094

@MitchMarvel glad to hear it! I really went with Riposte for the more likely scenario of defeating the enemy. I hadn't tried with side step but I'd love to hear how it goes