Domino: leader of the X-Posse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Goatzilla · 268


As Adsarf mentionned in the comments, it would be logical to switch Honorary X-Men for X-Force Recruit since you can play them already while waiting for Children of the Atom. You won't be able to play/use the x-men traited cards meanwhile but they will be ready when you play CoTA.

This deck is something that I wanted to do for a long time but didn't figure out how to make great Posse deck. I mean, there were things to do but nothing that was better than a classic, boring, ally swarm deck.

I've been going through a phase in which I make a random list of all my heroes/villains/modular sets and can't play the same twice before clearing the lists. This makes me play with those neglected cards that I have and try to make the best of them. There were some gems that came out of that phase and this deck is one of those.

The Posse traited cards is quite an isolated one: I think I have only omitted one (Atlas Bear). There are only two cards that affects "posses" cards: The Posse and Pip the Pug. Not much to be done here...

Before the AOA wave, you could boost them with Inspired, Reinforced Suit and Sidearm. That makes them 3 ATK, 2 THW and 3 HP. OK, but not great.

Then came the whole AOA wave. So, hear me out... With Children of the Atom, we can give Domino the X-men trait. Then, we can make every Posse ally an Honorary X-Men, give them some Danger Room Training and make your favorite one your Sidekick! And since they are also X-Force Traited, Uncanny X-Force will give them +1 THW, which is Domino's weakest side. This will make your Posse allies 4 ATK, 4 THW and 6-7 HP. One will even have 8-9 HP with Sidekick with a healing option. Don't forget that X-Mansion will be able to heal your allies, Pip the Pug will be able to fetch your Posse allies (so strong with White Fox) and The Painted Lady can make sure that important cards that get discarded will be caught and that will accelerate your plan. Aim to catch Children of the Atom and some Honorary X-Men first to setup your X-Posse ASAP.

You will have rounds where you will be able to hit with Domino for 2, shoot for hopefully 2x2, hit with allies for 3x4. THEN, play The Posse and hit for 14 again. Round total: 32 ATK. If you need thwarting to be done, you can do 26 THW and 4 ATK (with the Pistols).

This deck isn't concentrated on her hero ability, but it helps you throughout the game as a great addition to finish off what your Posse has accomplished. Domino is showing us, in this deck, what the difference between being a boss and a leader is.



Dec 28, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 1959

Love using CoTA to give her x-men trait and be able to use honorary, good stuff!

Dec 28, 2024 adsarf · 503

Hi @Goatzilla, why are you using Honorary X-Men rather than X-Force Recruit? It seems like X-Force Recruit plus Children of the Atom would also unlock Danger Room Training, and you can play those cards in any order rather than it having to be Children of the Atom first. Is there something I've missed?

Dec 29, 2024 Goatzilla · 268

@Castlefrank47 Thanks!

@adsarf I agree that it makes sense since you can play X-Force Recruit and wait for Children of the Atom but you'll still need CoTA to play Danger Room Training and use X-Mansion on your allies. I guess I like the thematic aspect of literally making them x-men recuits.

It's a good call, I shall make an edit to propose this switch.

Dec 29, 2024 adsarf · 503

Cheers @Goatzilla. 'I like the theme' is a good enough reason for me!