Black Panther - Honed Tec-9s

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

D.M.Tip · 116

"Just because something works doesn’t mean it can’t be improved"

I love the efficiency of Honed Technique. So, let's squeeze a little more out of it with an already efficient Fusillade. Using these Wakandan firearms nets you 7 damage for 3 effective resources!

So how do we get there?

  1. During setup, grab Panther Claws. If you are up against a minion-heavy scenario, you could start with Energy Daggers instead. Congratulations! You now have a weapon to fire away with Fusillade. But first, let's work on our aim.

  2. Next, deploy Honed Technique using your access to 24 resources. Vibranium and The Power of Aggression are clutch to hit the initial requirement. We only run 1 copy though, because Shuri can help you search for it.

  3. Lastly, finish setting up your board, depending on the length of the game, and then go to town! Playing the rest of your Black Panther upgrades will boost Wakanda Forever!. We also have access to Enhanced Awareness to hit more Honed Technique kickers and not overpay for Wakanda Forever!. We can use Clobber and Melee for efficient damage output where ever needed, and Into the Fray for any beefy minions with the ability to control threat the main scheme's threat.

I know some folks don't like going over 40 cards just for Assess the Situation, but I enjoy the flexibility it brings to this deck for several reasons. First, having easier access to mental resources is helpful. Second, it's nice to have some larger turns with so many available resources. If you ever find yourself about to flip down to Alter-Ego, you can assess and then use The Golden City at the beginning of your next turn before flipping back up to fire away at the villain with additional cards (and options) in hand. At the very least, it can be useful when you need a single resource for Wakanda Forever!

I hope you enjoy Black Panther - Honed Tec-9s!



Jan 17, 2025 andyr · 9515

Man!! Shuri letting you get Honed Technique is awesome! Such a great, put together deck!.

Jan 17, 2025 Daring Lime · 3107

This deck looks great! I'm a big fan of Black Panther in aggression. Honed Technique has great synergy with Vibranium, and Assess the Situation is fantastic for helping you find Wakanda Forever! and as a mental for Honed Technique. Enhanced Awareness is also a great pick here. Really solid deck!

Jan 17, 2025 wehehe · 222

I've just playtested the deck and I love it. I really like how Black Panther can take profit of Honed Technique thanks to his Vibranium cards.

The only thing I'd change (and it's just a matter of personal taste) is to remove Enhanced Awareness, probably to add a few allies more to get more bodies to chumpblock. I'm not a big fan of "Enhanced" cards.

Jan 17, 2025 boomguy · 1908

This is a fun decklist and I think this will encourage me to go back to Black Panther and give him a try again. Thanks for posting!

Jan 17, 2025 D.M.Tip · 116

@andyr Thank you so much! She's really great. At the very least, if you get stuck in one of those long multi-player games where you have all of your permanent upgrades, you can target Enhanced Awareness instead.

@Daring Lime I appreciate it! It doesn't rush as well as with Full-Body Charge, but it's still very focused on building up and letting loose.

@wehehe I'm glad you loved playing it! That's awesome. Yeah, the Enhanced cards are a bit of personal taste. There is so much mental going on here, it's not absolutely necessary, so replacing them with some cheap allies is a good call, especially for solo or lower player counts. I've done it both ways and enjoy having the extra single resource generation on demand, at least for multiplayer.

I kept the ally count lower than most of my decks to focus more on Black Panther and what his upgrades can do. I heal enough through the Suit and do a lot of flipping once the Golden City hits the table to where I don't need as many blockers. But perhaps with more testing, I might find another ally or two to be useful, maybe Ironheart to stay on target with metal resources, theme, and being able to draw into more useful events. It's never a bad thing to have more useful allies!

Thank you all for such kind words! This was my second deck posted here on marvelcdb...there's no turning back now! I'm excited to ramp up for the new wave of heroes & villains and prepare for Con of Heroes '25!