Card draw simulator
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Letterdenma · 213
Anna Raven took an axe
she gave Mystique forty whacks

The first, last and only goal in this solo Rogue deck with no Trait trickery is getting enough resources to play those events, and maybe have a little left over for Jarnbjorn. Hard mulligan for The X-Jet, Helicarrier, Martial Prowess, Deft Focus or X-Gene - ideally two of 'em.
Otherwise, it's just six stuns, five confuses and two Bulletproof Belles to manage the villain, and enough punch 'n' thwart to deal with everything else. The ally selection is obviously primarily for utility (aside from good ol' Goldballs the ever-clobbering).
The Looking for Trouble/Hall of Heroes module is a bit of a distraction, but you'd like more card draw and more thwarting, and they do a bit of both. While Rogue is a good candidate for Gatekeeper thanks to her on-demand Overkill, the card doesn't supply fist icons like Looking for Trouble does, and you kind of want those.
Deliberately not over-stuffing with attack events - six are enough to justify Martial Prowess - and Fluid Motion is meh as Rogue'll be thwarting as often as punching (or more often!).
Was originally more overkill-themed, building around Into the Fray, Looking for Trouble and Follow Through, but it ended up being one of those situations where just running straightforwardly-good cards is better than trying for elaborate synergies.
I'd characterise the deck as "rush-ish" - e.g. I ran it against Nebula and won the damage race fairly heartily. But you're also packing enough versatility to cope with more complex villain scenarios.
While the build is fairly straightforward, it combines two things that I'm not seeing in many other Red Rogue (aka 'Rouge') decks - it doesn't spam attack events (to maximise versatility and resilience), and it brings the full suite of resource generators. Everyone else seems to either do the former or skimp on the latter...
Note: Playing Touched RaW, meaning it counts towards your 40 minimum but you risk mulliganing into it.
When she saw what she had done
she gave Destiny forty-one
I love agression Rouge. This deck looks like a blast and the title is hilarious. We'll done!