The Two Shoe Express - Turbo Setup Pietro

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GhostWithKnife · 108

I finally picked up Pietro and wanted to see what he could do. Funnily enough, they had him in green like his sister. So, I decided to test him out here and see how crazy Pietro could get.

Quicksilver is all about being able to constantly ready up and act multiple times. This is awesome because we can defend and ready up to go back to business. However, his stats are awful and he needs a ton of setup to win games, including 3 upgrades in his base kit. (Very yikes.) So, how do we fix this? Just. Go. Faster.

The idea is simple: we cram in cars draw and tutors to hyper blitz our setup. Nick Fury and Hope Summers may cost our hand but help rip through our deck to our upgrades. Build Support help even more, while Ironheart and Brother Voodoo just help dig even more. We're looking for a lot of pieces, so don't be afraid to Taunt early to get the gear fast. Don't forget your Ego power to dig deeper as well!

We are looking to get literally every Upgrade out to close out a game. Symbiote Suit is utterly ridiculous with our power, and Armored Vest and Specialized Training give us further boosts so we virtually don't care about the villain phase. Unflappable helps keep us going while Electrostatic Armor helps chip away HP. First Aid looks weird, but is there to help early game survival in a pinch.

Overall, this deck is CRAZY fast at setting up. What else would you expect from a speedster though?