Captain Marvel - Rise of Red Skull Campaign

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Genosha Games · 60

Captain Marvel is a fun hero to play. She has high damage and high tempo from lots of card draw. She also has native healing in her kit with Rechannel and a solid 4 REC. Her basic stats of 2 THW and 2 ATK are decent, so she's a great pick for blasting through the Rise of Red Skull campaign in solo play.

This build prioritizes damage cards for fast takedowns, rather than long, grindy threat-control gameplay. resources are emphasized in the card selections for powering her Energy Channel and Photonic Blast cards. Stealth Strike and Haymaker also help get the job done, the latter of which is also included as a resource. Concussive Blow deals damage while also providing an opportunity to flip down to recover or just to increase your card draw and avoid taking damage.

With lots of card draw and a lot of resource cards, you shouldn't have any trouble playing multiple cards per turn. Nick Fury helps you with card cycling and he also has the deal 4 damage option as well.

Quincarrier is there for the kickers on Photonic Blast, For Justice!, and Concussive Blow, but you can also use it for your Rechannel ability and to pump up Energy Channel, since you don't have to actually play a card for those abilities.

With speed and relentless damage, you shouldn't need to do too much threat control, but if things get a little hairy, you can always fall back on For Justice! and the 3 THW she will have with Heroic Intuition. If you have a copy of Cosmic Flight in play, then Crisis Interdiction is also good. Counterintelligence is mainly there as the Agent Coulson pickup, but you can still play it as extra insurance.

In most cases, Heroic Intuition, Crisis Interdiction, Counterintelligence, and the second copy of Cosmic Flight are tossed into Energy Channel.

With the strong health she gains from her native 4 REC, Endurance and Down Time, plus her Rechannel ability, you should be fine for taking hits without defending. If you get too low, just pop off a Concussive Blow and flip down for a turn with 6 REC. If you do need to defend, then Captain Marvel's Helmet plus one copy of Cosmic Flight will get you 3 DEF.

The focus is on damage events, so the allies are not that important. You can use them as blockers or get some use thwarting or attacking with them. Jessica Jones and Quake are in there primarily for the resources. Spider-Woman is usually never played. I just use her for the resource.

To increase the damage output, switch out Agent Coulson and Counterintelligence for 2 copies of Followed.

Again, this deck was designed for fast takedowns in solo play, but it still performs well in multiplayer as well.


Jan 31, 2021 dendra55 · 1

Captain Marvel I awesome with Justice. Leadership works anywhere and boring so it's my favourite solo expert-heroic aspect.

Playing solo you must take care of THW because becomes really swingy in difficult modes.

Your deck seems effective and is nice to not see those slow Beat Cop in expert or heroic. I see you are focussing on dealing damage fast.

I play slower but with a similar deck. More Counterintelligence for coulson, Spycraft only for really nasty things and Mockingbird. Missing Under Surveillance because in solo expert is really great. Thanks for posting it and your YT video.