"What? Blow something up? I already did that." V2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GLRob · 16

This deck has gone through multiple iterations since the game was released but I'm pretty happy with it now, subject to the weaknesses discussed below. The basic goal is to build your suit (of course) and then stack the deck with energy icons for Repulsor Blast. Additionally, the Sky Cycle and Earth's Mightiest Heroes combo and Lead from the Front allow you to thwart for 2-3 multiple times. (If you can get a Justice teammate to play Heroic Intuition on you it's even better.)

Once you get set up, you're thwarting well and doing big damage with Repulsor Blast and Supersonic Punch. The (big) downside is that you'll need 3-5 turns in alter ego to build your suit and have a large enough hand size to stay in hero form. Because of that, this deck isn't good to solo with. It also doesn't defend well. You'll be reliant on your allies to take the hits for you. You'll also be dealing with extra encounter cards as this deck gets really thin once all your supports and upgrades have been played.

Since this is a multiplayer deck, I usually use Helicarrier instead of Quincarrier and rely primarily on Enhanced Awareness to trigger aerial on Rocket Boots.

Giant-Man doesn't fit the energy focus, but he is an Avenger and can provide some decent damage on minions, especially with Reinforced Suit. There are currently no other Leadership/Avenger allies with an icon available to sub him in for at present (through Venom's release).

Any suggestions on ways to improve this deck are very welcome!