Black Panther - Buffing allies

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10112

This deck is an attempt at updating one of my previous decks and falls in the "ally buffing" category that's a Leadership classic. So it's not really an original thing, but more of a follow-up on a previous concept. While I was reading the descript of @adsarf's deck yesterday (, I was pleasantly surprised to see one of my decks being described as a part of the inspiration ((

When I re-checked my list from a few months ago, I realized how it could be outdated by today's standards. So, here's an updated list that, I believe, does a better job and uses the new stuff a little.

One obvious change is the addition of Yondu, who can attack without ever leaving play. Alongside Iron Man, that you'll get through Call for Aid if you play it (he's the only Avenger ally in here), you get a pretty solid damage output turn after turn.

You can buff both guys, Iron Man with Inspired, Power Gloves, Sky Cycle, Reinforced Suit. Yondu can also get Inspired, and Laser Blaster.

Keep Iron Man alive with First Aid, Inspiring Presence, Reinforced Suit.

Other allies were chosen to draw some more (Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Ironheart), or utilities (stun/block Mockingbird).

Also a few useful support (Avengers Mansion / Quincarrier / The Triskelion) that will be helpful and thin your deck.

Simple idea, really: put your MVPs into play, buff them, and build your Black Panther endgame in the meantime (BP upgrades, The Golden City).

You can almost put half of your deck into play (4 allies, 4 supports, 10 upgrades) and then, Wakanda Forever! represents 5 out of 22 cards left (almost 23%) so, cycling your deck with Nick Fury, The Golden City and co. will yield crazy good results, not counting the input from Iron Man and Yondu.

Black Panther was originally used because of his high resources count, which makes it easier to put it all in play.

That's it!


May 26, 2021 adsarf · 359

Nice list!

May 26, 2021 neothechosen · 10112
