Gamora: Dazed and Confused

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

WastelandSniper · 73

The reason I call this "Dazed and Confused" should be pretty self-evident: you should have the villain stunned, confused, or both for most of the game. Unless you get a bad shuffle and all your stun cards end up grouped together (that's never fun).

This deck actually works really well to keep the board under control as you build. While Tackle, Drop Kick, and Concussive Blow are all expensive, their effects more than make up for it. Concussive Blow can be especially useful when you want to flip down to heal/use Conditioning Room/draw more cards to get to your kit out faster. In the late game it gives you the the breathing room to flip down in order to set up a huge turn, since you'll have at least seven cards right at the beginning of your next turn, eight if her AE action doesn't whiff, which is not much of an issue since over half the deck is attack/thwart events.

For heavy scheme scenarios, pull all three First Hits and replace them with your favorite thwarting card (Multitasking, Clear the Area, etc.). Edit: I got a little ahead of myself. You can't pull the First Hits, because of Gamora's deckbuilding restrictions. So instead you pull a Drop Kick and a Concussive Blow and add two thwart cards instead of three.


May 31, 2021 aalowry · 1

I like the theme of the deck! I’ve always found 3-cost cards to be a bit awkward until you’re set up but assuming you can get there quickly, raining down stuns and confuses sounds like a ton of fun.

Just a quick note on the last thought in your write-up - to put in Multitasking/Clear the Area, you’d have to pull either the Concussive Blows or Drop Kicks to follow Gamora’s deckbuilding limit on 6 off-aspect cards.

May 31, 2021 WastelandSniper · 73

Ah, yeah! Oops! I'll fix that.

May 31, 2021 adsarf · 440

I tried to create a green stunlock deck for Gamora at The bit I really struggled with was what you described with 'Unless you get a bad shuffle and all your stun cards end up grouped together', because I found that I wasn't going through my deck fast enough to be sure of having one of those nine key events every turn.

My version had a lot more supports and upgrades so that when the deck is thinned you are more likely to hit a Drop Kick and less likely to hit something less useful like Hit and Run.

Glad you were able to make it work!