"Well, hello, boys!" (Nebula Aggression)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Updated! "Well, hello boys!" (Nebula Aggression) 16 11 1 1.0

Schmendrix · 5438

This is a multiplayer Nebula Aggression deck that aims to flip almost every turn to generate substantial value, effective board control, and a constant stream of damage to the villain. The core conceit of the deck is Cutthroat Ambition, which provides every attack Piercing and Overkill, making Nebula an unstoppable force for minion control with villain damage to boot. As such, it is a control deck especially well-tuned to beefier minions, and is not appropriate for rush strategies. It probably can hang solo due to Into the Fray and Cutthroat Ambition, but that is not where it was designed, tested, or optimized. I played it through Mad Titan’s Shadow alongside a Vision Justice deck (to be published).

Hat tip to Earth Dragon - he was the first to spot the value of Cutthroat Ambition in a Nebula Aggression deck and has been a consistent advocate for Follow Through as an under-explored card.

In a nod to Nebula's traumatic upbringing, let's review the deck using Maslow's hierarchy.

Self-actualization: Cutthroat Ambition

Nebula has one aim: Victory. Cutthroat Ambition is the core card in the deck. Piercing and Overkill are powerful effects given the increasing frequency of minions with Toughness. Together in one package, there’s almost no minion that Nebula can’t find a way to eliminate.

Esteem: The Attack suite

It’s Nebula’s capacity to attack and destroy any minion on the table that will earn her the esteem of the group. The most powerful card in the set is Into the Fray, which really sings with Piercing and Overkill applied (not to mention Follow Through buffs). But Weapons Master, as a 4-damage attack for 2 effective resources, is a very efficient attack. If you flip frequently and time flips carefully, you can line up Lethal Intent to trigger Weapons Master before your turn, which really creates a lot of burst damage. It can soften a target for Into the Fray, overkill a weakened or low-health minion, or hit the villain directly. Skilled Strike is a sweetener for your Basic Attacks, also with Overkill when Cutthroat Ambition is on the table! It can combo with Hand Cannon, too. When previewed card No Quarter drops, I will experiment with swapping it in for Skilled Strike.

Love/belonging: Hand Cannons and Follow Through

Nebula loves her upgrades. Hand Cannon and Follow Through synergize well together and with the rest of her kit. Hand Cannons offer alternate access to Overkill when Cutthroat Ambition is unavailable. When Cutthroat Ambition is on the table, its Piercing allows Hand Cannons to punch through almost anything when you don’t have or want to spend the money on Into the Fray. Follow Through sweetens all your Overkill attacks and increases the threat removal of Into the Fray. But it is a sweetener. I would prioritize one Hand Cannon, then 1-2 Follow Throughs, then another Hand Cannon. At that point, you can add a third Follow Through if you have strong board control to help close the game, and cycle Hand Cannons as necessary.

Safety: Cheap allies and the rest of the Techniques

Control is not limited to minions; Nebula can also help protect the table and herself with her suite of cheap Aggression allies and her other techniques. Spider-Girl, Hulk, and Throg are inexpensive, high-control allies. Spider-Girl can neutralize a minion for two rounds that you don’t want to hit yet. Hulk can tank a couple of Villain attacks, as can Throg. And her techniques create other control opportunities. Evasive Maneuvering and Unyielding Persistence, given their status generation, are most valuable, but Wide Stance’s soft control on the encounter deck is helpful, too. One Moment of Triumph helps Nebula heal in hero mode, saving her a recovery activation in AE so she can swing. It, of course, benefits from Follow Through.

Physiological: Resources, flipping for draw, and stacking your deck

Nebula stays well-fed from her AE draw ability and resources in the deck. The deck has 3 doubles and both Powers of Aggression, and most everything else is priced so that those will be sufficient to get things on the table. Helicarrier is generally affordable and a nice supplemental resource generator (note it can play a 1-cost Lethal Intent for free), and Hall of Heroes provides late-game draw to help close. As I said at the top, you want to flip almost every turn, and you want to play a technique at the top of every round you begin in AE. Saving a technique from the end of one round to the start of another so you get the draw to start your turn is often a valuable play, especially if your deck is big and not stacked with techniques. If your friends complain about your flipping, remind them that you’re going to be providing substantial threat control with Cutthroat Ambition and Into the Fray. Finally, Combat Ready is extremely valuable. I almost always use it to shuffle 1-2 Cutthroat Ambitions and a Weapons Master back into the deck. If I draw a Combat Ready and know I have very high value techniques left, I might use it to pull one, but this is much less common since it doesn’t proc Nebula’s AE ability.

Closing words

Galaxy’s Most Wanted really rewarded rush strategies. Mad Titan’s Shadow has some scenarios that are extremely difficult if not impossible to rush. This aggression deck helps provide quality control while pushing consistent damage to the villain to secure wins. I hope you enjoy it!

And if you really want a 41st card: Blade. :D


Feb 01, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8248

Cutthroat Ambition with Into the Fray may be one of the most inspired ideas I've seen in a while. Wow... with a 1 HP minion you could be looking at 8 threat removed and 8 villian damage! Amazing!

Having not played this yet, I feel like I really want to add in Looking for Trouble to make sure I have minions to hit, and Assault Training to keep throwing Into the Fray back into the deck. I'm sure that it depends on how minion heavy the scenario is... was Assault Training ever tested out? Any value there along side Combat Ready?

Either way, great deck. Props to you on this!

Feb 01, 2022 Schmendrix · 5438

@teamcanadahockey2002 thanks! I didn't experiment with Assault Training. Let me know how it goes

Feb 01, 2022 InigoMontoya · 4456

I love everything about this! Can't wait to play it. Did you try out Plan of Attack to pull Into the Fray? Searching 7 cards in AE seems like it would be beneficial. Especially since it's the only attack card.

Feb 01, 2022 Schmendrix · 5438

@InigoMontoya I didn't! I like that idea a lot. Let me know how it goes!

Feb 01, 2022 InigoMontoya · 4456

@Schmendrix I definitely will. One thing I'm sure you've noticed is that once you have some attachments on the board, getting Nebula's obligation is a really good thing for keeping Cutthroat Ambition around for another turn.

If the obligation comes up during a Wide Stance special proc, I'll arrange it so the obligation will come up in the encounter deck. When you're sitting on the board with Retaliate 2, - 2 damage, piercing, overkill, stalwart, ignoring keywords and +1 to attack and thwart, you want those abilities to stay around as long as possible. :)

Feb 01, 2022 Schmendrix · 5438

I LOVE drawing her obligation in hero form

Feb 01, 2022 InigoMontoya · 4456

One last possibility: Lie in Wait. Since it's an attack that you can wait to use when you have Cutthroat Ambition and a low health minion that engages you. That could be a dead minion, and 3 to 4 damage to the villain.

Feb 01, 2022 Schmendrix · 5438

That's a great tech card for Ultron for sure and worth experimenting with. I primarily played this against MTS, Mutagen Formula, Crossbones, and Klaw, so had beefier minions to deal with.

Feb 01, 2022 sadbonesmalone · 19

One of my buddies has been playing a deck fairly similar to this through MTS. In a 3 player game where other heroes can help cover for Nebula's desire to flip to AE a lot she is absolutely bonkers. This deck puts out an enormous amount of damage in a really flexible way, as well as splashing out decent threat removal and occasionally eating huge attacks with toughs.

Watching him play it I've had the thought that Nebula really, really shines in multiplayer - particularly with aggression. It's awesome to see an even more streamlined version of that concept on here.

One thought I've seen leveraged in his deck is the addition of a holster and Jarnbjorn - the economy in this deck is really strong with the alter ego flips and in a pinch Nebula's ship can always activate to get you the extra damage. It's far from an essential piece of the deck, but adds up to some significant damage over the course of the game.

The other potential change I would suggest is swapping out Hulk (I find him dangerous in multiplayer, where his "deal 1 damage to everyone" trigger can often disrupt your allies chump blocker plans) with Bug and work in an energy spear. This deck is attacking all the time so it's no problem to keep Bug topped off and that damage really adds up

Feb 01, 2022 Schmendrix · 5438

@sabonesmalone - Great points. I like the addition of Jarnbjorn and Side Holster. Seems like it could be strong. And on Hulk, I'll tell you my secret: I never swing with him. He's literally just an ideally two hit tank. If I'm up against someone like Thanos who can hit for 5 regularly, I'll tank a minion hit first and then throw him against Thanos. But yeah, swinging with Hulk is basically never the right answer.

Feb 01, 2022 Brian-V · 45242

Did you just use Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to outline a write-up? LOL, taking me back to undergrad Anthro class , hilarious. Awesome deck as always @Schmendrix!

Feb 01, 2022 Schmendrix · 5438

@Brian-V, yup, sure did. :D Thanks for checking it out!

Feb 05, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8248

I love love this deck. I really didnt have a good Nebula deck before this one.

Wanted to share another card that fit well into this concept: Toe to Toe. Its another option to overkill a minion and feels great to get extra use out of your -1 damage and +1 retaliate buffs when those techniques are down.

Feb 05, 2022 Schmendrix · 5438

@teamcanadahockey2002 Ooo, toe to toe is a great call. I'm going to have to try that ...

Feb 05, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8248

@Schmendrix Bring Booster Boots too... between those and Wide Stance x2, you can avoid 3 damage. Plus you'll probably use Booster Boots with Toe To Toe here on the turn you flip from AE which gives them an extra use because theyll reset before the villian turn. (Little risky because of the discard if you turn over Cutthroat, but you'll probably have one down already if you're playing this combo)

Feb 06, 2022 InigoMontoya · 4456

These added cards make me think Nebula would be a great candidate for a 50 card No Quarter deck based around the ideas this deck brings up.

Feb 07, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8248

@InigoMontoya I think No Quarter is going to make 50 card decks an interesting debate (although I'm sure there will be plenty that have already decided 40 is best, period).

FWIW, I've been looking at No Quarter for Nebula here already but because it discards any non-red cards you pull, that can be really counterintuitive to her Techniques. Let me know if you find otherwise, but haven't found that it jives much in Nebula.

Ms. Marvel on the other hand I think will be the perfect candidate for that 50 card No Quarter deck. With Embiggen and 3x Follow Through she could get massive card draw and also pull it back to play for for a second time. Plus she sort of churns her deck anyways when she uses her alter ego ability so a 50 card deck may not be as big of an issue. Plus she has a Bruno...

Feb 07, 2022 Buildadeck · 1

@teamcanadahockey2002 That's a good point about losing out on attachments. Ms. Marvel is definitely a better choice for that kind of deck.