Gamora - Vigster Cardomatic Universe (VCU)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Vigster · 18

Note: I build all of my heroes so my decks are optimized only in the sense of the collection - hence the VCU tag. Welcome to the Vigster Cardomatic Universe!

Gamora is designed to hit, hit hard, and hit harder. Her sword (Gamora's Sword) and Godslayer are meant to add to her 15 Attack cards and special action. Martial Prowess and Keen Instincts feed the card play and Assault Training and Conditioning Room focus on keeping the key events closer to the game play.

She is also Ally strong - with Nebula, Star-Lord, Groot, Bug and Rocket Raccoon - all costing 2 or 3 and balanced with regards to thwart or attack points. Add Energy Spear and even Bug can be a very strong help when coupled with a Gamora basic attack.

Her thwart abilities are not astounding, but as long as Gamora attacks via a card and thwarts via her basic ability, she is still able to keep schemes under check.