Ghost-Spider - Webbed Reflexes (Project Post-con) [P]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Michaelangelo · 3988

This deck is part of Project Post-con: building a ready to use deck for each existing hero, just using the available card copies of buying each pack once. This does not only enable fast pick-and-play, but it also makes each deck feel unique, as not everyone is using the same powerhouse cards. Each deck is intended to be fun and usable in expert mode, but none will be the absolute strongest possible due to the card limitations. Looking for other decks? Search for the Post-con tag.

Project Post-Con build: V2.0

New deck, hero did not exist in Project Post-Con build V1.0

Enter the Spiderverse with Quicksilv... I mean Ghost-Spider. Gwen brings a web of fresh air to the most standard defence protection archetype. Favouring response and interrupt events, protections is a natural fit for her. With the support of her dad and maybe a strange alien symbiotic, she is a force to be reckoned with.


Technically Ticket to the Multiverse is not a resource card, but it sure belongs here as a double wild resource that can even be recycled (htough Gwen does not see her alter-ego often to do this). A great card to play her events and best not used as an upgrade till late-game. And as expected, also the basic three resources can't be missed.


Gwen brings with her a new Web-Warrior tribe of protection heroes that are currently best used with her.

  • Spider-Man brings both stun and confusing, which are always good. And with Web of Life and Destiny and Spider-UK sticking to the table, you typically have enough web-warriors to pull this off.
  • Spider-UK is her best ally, killing off many minions before they even get a chance to hit. You should have no issue getting his retaliate-like ability high enough.
  • Silk is a great card to have in any protection web-warrior deck.
  • Spider-Man, finally, works well with the web-warrior archetype and helps Gwen get some burst damage out.


  • Armored Vest is a given to raise her already high defence. Value is high for Gwen, as she get's a free defence each villain phase.
  • Web-Bracelet are top mulligan targets, as with a lot of 0-cost events, they help you get out of the villain phase readied without a card disadvantage. They also help cycle the deck to ensure you get what is needed.
  • Symbiote Suit works very well with Gwen, as she can use her basic abilities multiple times per round. The amount she gets out of it, nicely compensates with the additional hazard, thus keeping the game interesting. And with het Web-Bracelets not giving any net card gain, the additional hand size really helps her out.
  • Dauntless works great as Gwen can get 5def with Armored Vest and Enraged Symbiote, the latter also ensuring HP is high enough. And as she gets a free defence per turn, this really counts.
  • Oh wait Ticket to the Multiverse is here again. This is mainly good as an upgrade late game to finish things off, but should be kept as a resource until then.
  • Target Acquired ensures her board control, as her Pirouette and Punch cancels many encounters already. This ensures the worst part of the villain phase never gets out when Gwen is on duty.
  • Indomitable has two functions. First to allow a second defence in the villain phase, either from a Gang-Up (or similar) or when protecting in multiplayer. Secondly, to allow to play Bait and Switch, without giving up an activation.


Limited entires here, one for each of her two main gimmicks:

  • George Stacy is critical to get out, as it gives her full control over her events. Any event works based on the scenario, but typically good choices are Pirouette and Punch to always be ready in case something comes up and Phantom Flip to save the heavy thwart till needed. Typically this deck packs enough 0-Cost responses for the villain phase, that you draw into them without George.
  • Web of Life and Destiny is one of her card-draw generators. Being very cheap, it is easy to play for Gwen and it quickly pays off with Silk, Hobie and Miles.


Firstly there are cheap (1ER) responses/interrups which serve to re-ready Ghost-Spider in the villain phase and replace themselves with Web-Bracelet:

  • Expert Defense raises your DEF with 3, making it 8 DEF with all upgrades. Or Defiance ensures the boost card won't do anything, ensuring your base 4 or 5 DEF is enough.
  • Counter-Punch is cheap damage and synergises well with sybiote suit. It is never a wast to use this on top of your defensive events to trigger your second bracelet too.

Next are her big-hitting hero events. These require you to be able to make a basic action, so being ready is key. But they work on both defending as on THW/ATK, so can ready you in either phase.

Finally there are the remaining events to fill her versatile kit out:

  • Pirouette and Punch ensures you can block most of the villain phase and is another great pick for George Stacy to keep until the worst ones come out.
  • Bait and Switch gives more thwart potential, as this is her weakest stat. It is best combined with Indomitable, so you can get another action out.
  • Across the Spider-Verse helps get those web-warriors back more consistently.
  • Parental Guidance, finally, is great to get one of your most critical cards. But don't forget that your obligation may still be lurking. Alternatively, it gets your Phantom Flip and Pirouette and Punch (or anything else needed in the situation) back from the discard. And if you can't use it now, don't forget, you can save this one on George for alter too, to replace itself if you ever need/want to flip to alter-ego.

In conclusion, bringing back no-damage protection, with a built-in readying mechanism, Ghost-Spider is the green spider friend every player should have.


Aug 21, 2022 Windyfool · 1

Hi, great deck as always, but may I ask, if I play with Gwen in Sinister Motives, what would I replace Symbiote Suit with (since it's disallowed).