Iron Man Multiplayer Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SilverFox · 19

This deck is built to be played in multiplayer with the goal being to soak as much damage for your teammates as possible. Arc Reactor and Desperate Defense let Iron Man stand back up for extra blocks, and Subdue can be used to help allies without requiring you to jump in and block.

The first time through the deck focus on building up tech, trying to get as much out as possible quickly to reduce the downtime of needing to switch back and forth between alter ego. Electrostatic Armor and Energy Barrier are both good early choices to play when available.

Once you are set up, you can focus more resources on defense events. Ideally you can use defense events along with Energy Barrier to get in blocks without taking damage in order to trigger Dauntless, Hard to Ignore, and Unflappable.

The Night Nurse is mostly there to help out anyone who may be stunned or confused rather than to provide lots of healing.

Quincarrier is there to allow for consistent activation of Rocket Boots and Nova.

The deck is also stacked very energy resource heavy, so whenever you have the resources to spare, Repulsor Blast can be a very powerful source of damage.


Jun 22, 2022 MountainGaming · 15

Love a def Iron Man build for Multiplayer. Will have to try this one out!