Cap'n Smack em' up

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AshtonLange · 107

First attempt at a Captain America deck of any kind. I know Leadership is extremely popular, and so is protection, but my Web-Warriors have my multiplayer games covered.

Premise of the deck:


--Stun with allies Mockingbird and Spider-Girl.

--Utilize Agent 13for early thwart if you happen to pull her. She is not incredibly useful, but part of Caps kit.

--Blade is a great 1 cost ally early on to help deal some damage while you mulligan for caps upgrades. You can easily set up a combo with Clobber to deal damage, return to hand, and spend it on Blade or you can utilize other cards in your hand as well. Blade seems best early on to get quick strikes, utilizing him while you set up. Because he specifies "from the hand" he is severely hampered in his usefulness, and a good replacement could be Lockjaw since he can be drawn anytime from the discard pile.

--Spider-Girl was included for those big elite minions, and her 2 cost, 2 health, and 4 potential damage output is worth the cost especially if her ability is utilized upon putting her into play.


-- Assess the Situation is a no-brainer here. As you seek to set up Cap it is critical that you play these as often as possible and do not scrap them for resources as they really help to bring out your stun cards, allies, and big damage dealer cards such as Drop Kick No Quarter and Shield Toss.

-- Press the Advantage is a great card here, and clobber can be removed in order to add a third if that is something your interested in. 2 damage for 1 cost is great, and we are trying to stun as many times as possible anyway so it is a win-win here.


-- Both Helicarrier and Quincarrier are included here in order to mitigate the cost, combined with Super-Soldier Serum, of some of the higher damage cards that are the heart of our stun kit. Namely Drop Kick. Because the bulk of our kit revolves around attack events, Martial Prowess is a great option. Removing Combat Training is one option to make room for it, but I figured I had enough resource utility and two The Power of Aggression cards to utilize on not just attack events, but the upgrades and allies as well.



This deck is NOT a Multiplayer deck. It is not geared toward overkill and minion control because I feel Rocket fills this role much better. I have yet to test this deck as of publishing. If you see any errors, or any areas where this deck can be improved please let me know. I rarely ever play aggression, so this is me trying to get a better for the combos and the kits that are available.

Thank you!