SP//dr Suit - Ready For Anything **30+ damage late game**

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 665

The Sell

No joke, this deck consistently hits for 30+ damage late game using basic Attacks and Allies. Using the same techniques you can also remove a ton of threat too. Some early setup makes this deck strong mid game and just crushes late game.


The focus of this deck is Ally recursion. No Voltron, No “going wide” with Allies. It’s meant to keep playing two key Allies over and over again to ready SP//dr over and over again.

The Key Allies:

Spider-Man - Octavius allows you to ready an Upgrade, and since you’ll be focusing on readying Host Spider you’ll be drawing cards as well. The added benefit of this Ally is also his two consequential damage on attacking. This allows you to get him into play and pop him right into your discard pile to recur him as well (see below).

Spider-Man - Parker is an all-star Web Warrior. He readies another Web Warrior every time he activates. He can be hard to play due to the Resource requirements, so Across the Spider-Verse is your best bet to get him into play. You can then keep spamming him with Rapid Response.

The Recursion

Rapid Response - This card gets your Allies right back into play after they are defeated. Whether it’s damage from the enemy or consequential damage. You’ll be focusing on the latter quite frequently. Most useful, as mentioned earlier, to get Parker into play, it’s also worth it for Octavius as well because he’ll get an extra card off it.

Make the Call - This card will usually get Octavius back as you still have to pay the required resources for Parker.

Across the Spider-Verse - As noted earlier this card is a very efficient way to get Parker out on the field. He’s so powerful I don’t see using this one of to get anyone else.

Web of Life and Destiny - While not really a recursion effect, this card works well with them. Since you will be purposefully getting your Allies defeated, why not draw a card when it happens?

What to do When You’re Ready

SP//dr can use its interfaces to generate additional Attack and Thwart. Making sure you use the right ones at the right time means you’re beginning your Thwart and Attack at 4, and it’s really easy to do both each round once you get setup.

R&D Facility - This card gives you +1 to your stats, and since you’ll frequently be readying for 3+ times per turn you’ll be really able to leverage this.

The Rest of the Deck

Double resources, all of them - Since most of the cards you will be plain are 2+ cost, these will almost always come in handy. Especially for Octavius and getting your Interfaces setup.

Limitless Stamina - The whole point of this deck is to ready your Hero right? This is one of the cheapest ways to do it too.

Unshakable - Since this deck heavily relies on basic actions, this card will help reduce the pain of Stun and Confuse effects.

Ghost-Spider - Allows you to grab All Systems Go!, which can be used to find Interfaces, or becomes an huge event when all setup.

Command Team - Low priority in regards to the rest of her setup, but can be quite useful in defeating your Allies on purpose. Great when you have Parker and Rapid Response out in play.

Maria Hill - Just a great Ally, a bomb in multiplayer too.

How to Play

SP//dr is probably the hardest Hero to play right now, but is very powerful when you figure her out.

Since the deck is focused on readying your Hero, you’ll want to get Host Spider into play ASAP.

Secondary would be the rest of the Interfaces as they pull double duty boosting your stats and being resource generators.

In your opening hand look for Interfaces All Systems Go! so you can get what you need. Also keep an eyes out for Autn May & Uncle Ben and SP//dr Command as they can get you more cards. SP//dr Command will also be used to ready your Hero layer on as well.

Feel free to ditch or spend many of the leadership cards as they won’t matter until later in the game.

First turn focus is as much setup as possible. Exhaust SP//dr when you’re Penny to draw cards, then flip and get Interfaces in play to get access to more resources to hopefully get more Interfaces into play.

You’ll find yourself flipping frequently to take advantage of the amount of cards you can nab for being in Alter-Ego. So second turn you’ll likely be flipping again, and so on for a while.

Once you start getting Interfaces down you’ll be able to move onto a phase 2.

Look for opportunities to get R&D Facility into play, but make sure your focusing on Spider-Man and Spider-Man into play.

Once you get playing Octavius, use your leadership Events to do it again. Have Make the Call in your hand? Get Octavius defeated with consequential damage and get him back into play. Make sure you’re exhausting [Host Spider] (/card/31010) first. This can lead to big chains since you’re drawing cards, and if you’re running low on resources exhaust low impact Interfaces like Speed-Metal Alloy or even Penny if you don’t have to heal. Meanwhile you’re using Host Spider to constantly ready SP//dr and Attack or Thwart. Don’t need to Thwart? Great now you can use Psychic Link as a resource too.

Then you can play All Systems Go!, be able to ready using the Host again while gaining access to even more resources.

Try not to block very often against the Villain. SP//dr has high HP, and Penny is unique in being able to recover quite often if you’re not using her as an resource.

Take your time and wait for the big turns. Use R&D Facility when you can do multiple readies. Don’t kill your Allies without a plan, like Make the Call or Rapid Response. Also plan ahead. Maybe you need that resources on a better card you may draw later, so don’t just dump your hand automatically. Get cards of Octavius and see where they take you first.

Between the ready effects and Ally damage I’ve been able to do 40+ damage in one turn.


Jul 27, 2022 dcarriger · 144

@Spliff unfortunately this deck doesn't work the way you think it does. Host Spider doesn't have the Tech trait so Otto Octavius doesn't draw you a card. Additionally, his trigger only works when playing him from your hand - putting him into play via Rapid Response or Across the Spider-Verse or Make the Call doesn't trigger his effect.