Rocket Fuel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ChocoboBai · 967

With easy access to the Aerial trait, Nova is an ideal candidate to use the Dive Bomb and Honed Technique combo. As long as you can pay for Dive Bomb with a resource, it does 11 and 5 damage rather than 7 and 1. When you play Unleash Nova Force minions just become fuel for your engine!

It is essential to get Honed Technique out as soon as you can. Note that it requires resources to play, but that should be fine as you have plenty of from Nova. There are only a few other supports and upgrades, so the deck does not need long to set up.

You can set up huge turns with a ridiculous amounts of draw power thanks to Unleash Nova Force. Draw out more minions with Angela and Looking for Trouble then start drawing. Use "Bring It!" first if you have it, then follow up with Unleash Nova Force. Then, wipe out everything with Dive Bomb to carry on drawing.

If you can, you ideally want to leave some minions on one or two health after the Dive Bomb, then finish them off with attacks from Nova. That way you can ready Supernova Helmet more times to give extra resources and play the new cards you drew. For example, if you have 3 minions with 2, 6 and 6 health out, you can Dive Bomb the villain, which will kill 1 minion. This readies Nova and gives you a draw. Then, you can attack for 1 on another minion which prepares the helmet, triggers Unleash Nova Force again and so on. Alternatively, you can use No Quarter to give you more aggression cards. Note, that can also benefit from Honed Technique!

If that isn't enough cards for you, Moon Girl and Champions Mobile Bunker are included too. They can help to get the combo pieces you need. The Locust is particularly useful for that too.

The threat removal comes from Lightspeed Flight Into the Fray and some of the allies. With so much draw power you can actually play Lightspeed Flight quite a few times which should keep the schemes down enough. When you are dealing 11+ damage to the villain, it should not take long to win anyway.

You can defend with allies, Thor and Throg are particularly useful with their toughness status. Of course you want to use "Go for Champions!" here too. You will probably see it quite often! You can also avoid having to switch to alter-ego too often thanks to Moment of Triumph.

I found that the deck does not need all of the basic 2 resource cards. Genius is worth including to pay for Moon Girl and Honed Technique though. I go with The Power of Aggression and Audacity here instead, as the resources pay double for most of Nova's cards. It also keeps more aggression cards in your deck for when you trigger No Quarter.

This should work well in true solo, at least for scenarios with a decent amount of minions. For two player try pairing it with a Justice deck or another champion. Another fun pairing is this Venom justice deck. Getting Enraged Symbiote from Venom's obligation or Shadow of the Past only gives you more minions to feed off!


Jan 28, 2023 ChocoboBai · 967

I tried this out solo recently with a few updates:

Out: 1 Moon Girl, 1 Into the Fray ,1 Go for Champions, 1 Dive Bomb, 1 Genius

In: 1 Psylocke, 1 Wasp, 2 Chase Them Down, 1 No Quarter, 1 Looking for Trouble, 1 Precision Strike, 2 Aggressive Energy.

I refocused more on No Quarter. Going to 44 cards helps to increase the chance of hitting aggression cards with it. The extra allies help to block more attacks, you draw into them quite often and they are mostly cheap to play. I found that "Go for Champions!" was not necessary and a bit expensive in the end.

2 Dive Bomb is enough with all of the draws you have, it is more important to have No Quarter.

Aggressive Energy is perfect for this deck as it gives even more resources. It helps to get enough damage to finish minions or can give you another card from No Quarter.

Chase Them Down worked well and gives you plenty of threat removal when used with Lightspeed Flight and Looking for Trouble. Note that if you draw it from No Quarter you can play it straight away.