Dishing out some Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Bsli · 7

THE IDEA: I finally got my childhood fave, Spidey working. I know some people regard him quite high, some dont, I belonged in the later category for a long time, his playstyle did not fit me. I regarded the strenght of his 15 (versatility), as his biggest flaw, he is not good at anything, so its hard to complement him with any aspect, since youll still have flaws.

I followed this train of thought, and it gave me an idea. I picked the BW justice cards, that give you some firepower, and combined it with the usual justice kit. It worked wonders for me.

TEST: Went on an expert solo adventure. Did Rhino and Klaw on first try, Ultron gave me a bit of a problem, but got him on the 4th, and Green Goblinon the first.

The small minions are not easy, Daredevil and Black Cat are due some heavy overtime, but the synergy between Followed, DD, Spider-Tracer, Stealth Strike is amazing for the goblins, or Masters of Evil.

SOME STRATEGY TIPS: In early game, you should focus on building as much as possible. Aunt May, Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier. Nick Fury is important for card draw, to get through the deck faster. Establishing allies is also nice.

Once you get DD and Black Cat in play, try to keep them there. First Aid DD when you can, and unless its an emergency, dont use him for blocking, or when he already has 2 wounds.

Stallng the villain with Webbed Up and Concussive Blow is a must to gain board control. I defend with Spidey most of the times, so he is often not active on hero turn, thats why i dont use Heroic Intuition.

Minions: 1 HP, Black Cat and DD thwart is the best bet. 2 HP minions will give you the most trouble when in numbers. Spidey ATK and Jessica Jones. Anything above is nice, since you have 3, 4 attack cards, Followed can be triggered.


Jul 25, 2020 Bsli · 7

Heroic 1 Rhino + Bombscare also soloed.