...And Justice For All

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Nova | The Three Card Stud 15 12 3 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Frenky_fisher · 9

I first saw this deck https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/23067/nova-the-three-card-stud-1.0 in action a while ago and was amazed so I started to tweek it a litle to be more in line with my playstyle and prefernces... There is always a few changes to the deck when a sccenario is chosen(i.e. when facing Thanos stun/confuse efects are taken out;for Red Skull there is no need for One Way or Another) but overall this is a list that i would bring on a "blind date" with an unknown villan

Cards that go in and out of deck depending on needs for certain villan/scenario

Multitasking replaces One Way or Another when facing Red Skull

Followed comes in when facing heavy minion scenario or when u have need for "ranged" dmg output vs. villans with or accses to retaliate

Crew Quarters is good when facing villans that doesnt have those small numbers on main scheme so u can relatively safely switch to AE from time to time if in need for some health recovering

Vivian is always good and playble but i dont like going above 6 allies and others are just better atm of writing

Justice Served is overkill, at times where it could be good usualy i had better plays and without Heroic Intuition is just lackluster so those were easy 2 cuts for Turn the Tide but i could see swaping these 2 in low minion scenario

Cards that will be tested when are obtained

Symbiote Suit this is such a good card design...u start on expert-u set up and when ready just start playing heroic to make it more chalenging

Professor X is just a very good card and is always a good adition to any deck

Overwatch seems like a good adition to extremly high threat scenarios where more thwarting is needed


Ms. Marvel is such a beast mid game for chaining Unleash Nova Force or whatever the board demands

Chance Encounter with One Way or Another or without(there are a lot of side schemes as is) gets us an ally we need

Moon Girl is an interesting one...u can over pay for her so if u find yourself with a lackluster hand just turn those into new cards

Unleash Nova Force whole deck sinergies with this one and it would take to many words to describe all combos-u just need to explore all the posibilities

When u take out resources and 0 mana cards u are left with a deck that has avg mana curve of 1,7 - that is preety insane considering Nova has Supernova Helmet which makes early turns easier to setup and not losing tempo and later when we are setup it makes us almost invincible...there is rarely a turn where we don't cycle through our deck and there are turns where we see more than half of it so u will most likely always have solutions for the problems in front of u

All in all deck is super fun and somewhat chalenging to play optimaly but more u play more lines u see and more u want to play to explore new and diferent lines of play. I play only expert and deck seems like it is extremely potent and consistent so far against variety of vilans

If u are a tempo player and/or u like to draw extra cards(who doesn't)try it and enjoy it