Thor God of Thunder 2.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Thor - God of Thunder 4 5 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

bkmcdb · 75

Let's start with that, that Thor is my favourite hero in the MCU, by far.

I'm still fairly new to the game, and still a beginner in deckbuilding, yet I'm seeing some sparks already and am connecting the dots. I was really sad to see that Thor was so mutilated with a hand size of 5/4 (alter-ego/hero), yet I really wanted to make him work.

Let's start by his basic abilities: in alter-ego he can summon his beloved hammer Mjolnir(which you should immediately see as an additional resource) every round, in hero form when he engages a minion, he draws 2 cards with a limit once per phase. Let that sink in, once per phase...

I've immediately observed that if he can engage a minion in hero phase he basically has a hand size of 6 (not including Asgard), if you get lucky in the Villain phase you make that 8 - whopping 8 cards at the start of the round, that's sick!

So with the staple cards he should have - Angela, Looking for Trouble, and his kit's Defender of the Nine Realms you make sure you engage that minion almost every turn and have an ater-ego form hand size in hero form.

Once we have that down, I'll explain the inclusions:

  • Angela - In my opinion it's a staple, I'd say it could even be in his kit as one of the 1/15 hero cards, I believe they made it an aggression card only to also work with Valyrie hero.
  • Throg - it's basically a 2 cost minions that almost always has the tough status, as we want to be engaged with a minion at the start of every hero phase.
  • Spider-Girl - I would also consider it a staple (the only thing it lacks to be a perfect card would be that ASGARD trait). Letting you stun & confuse that 6+ health minion feels great.
  • Professor X - The only problem I have with this card is that it's not really thematic with our God of Thunder, however for the time being I find it best in slot. Confusing the villain, letting you swap to Odinson, heal, call the hammer into your hand and use that higher hand size feels like a solid plan.
  • Hall of Heroes - I could basically copy above card's explanation, when hero's kit is based on defeating minions and we have a card that let's us draw 3 cards in alter-ego every 3 defeated minions - that's a staple, works perfectly with Thor's kit.
  • Looking for Trouble - Those are basically 2 more copies of Defender of the Nine Realms, as the only thing that Thor struggles with is threat mitigation, we have to fight it as well as we can, additionally it works with Thor's kit perfectly, on top of that it has a symbol - it's perfect for other cards from this deck
  • Deft Focus - I was really sceptical at first when adding this card, however after some testing and few additions to the deck (mainly Limitless Stamina, Unshakable) it proved very useful and reduced significant amount of card costs. It also makes Hammer Throw's cost in fine range, sometimes letting you even play it twice in the same turn. It has 9 targets in this deck, so it's a fine card, however keep an eye on it if it is really that useful in your case.
  • Pitchback - after getting Nova I've seen an opportunity to replace Mean Swing, even though it costs 1 more, in my opinion it's a more versatile card - it can be used to hit a different target and does not rely on exhausting a weapon (which would result in using MS with Mjolnir only once per turn (also blocking that sweet 8 damage from Hammer Throw)
  • Moment of Triumph - the only two problems I've occured with Thor were losing due to threat and health (even though he has 14 starting HP), this card helps us mitigate the second one very well, allowing up to 6 health heals with Hammer Throw.
  • "Bring It!" - basically a card perfect for Thor, you mostly (but not always) will have 1-2 minions engaged with you, letting you at least cycle this card (and make the deck 37 cards, which is great) or even drawing more cards (I've had turns I've drawn even 4 cards, then just cleaned everything up with Lightning Strike).
  • Limitless Stamina - a better version of Battle Fury - it's a card without the restriction of killing a minion and losing 1 health (did I mention it's a SUPERPOWER for the Deft Focus?)
  • Unshakable - great for modular sets containing many stun boost card effects (which there are some and I've started to enjoy, so not much to explain) - probably a card to cut when playing vs a not-stunning villain + modular sets combo.
  • Godslayer - In theory, that's a good card target for Mean Swing, not blocking the use of Hammer Throw, however I have not tested that combo, for me it it's a consistent resource-less Jarnbjorn against villain and some unique minions (nemesis and such).
  • Endurance and Down Time - I've included those cards basically because of exactly the same reason - problem with Thor's health - he likes to face-tank stuff, so that basically adds us more time before we flip to Odinson, and when we do, it increases our recovery, both things we want in that strategy.

Cards to consider:

  • Get Over Here! - great card in multiplayer, makes sure you have another 3 cards to get 2 cards drawn in that hero form (however you have to have Mjolnir equipped).

  • Gatekeeper - If you would have any problem with threat, you could consider playing this card, for 0 cost and +2 health to a minion (2 health minions still can be one-shotted with Mjolnir and Combat Training) it takes care of that 4 threat. However, I would not run that card too often.

  • Jarnbjorn - Up to few games before I've auto-included this card for over 30+ plays. However, now I've opened up for some testing and swapped that with Godslayer and some other cards, but bear in mind it's a very solid card for Thor.

  • Looking for Trouble - Might consider putting in a 3rd copy if I have a problem finding those minions and having trouble with threat.

  • Skilled Strike - Stable +2 ATK to a basic activation and a resource for Jarnbjorn if you choose to use it, nothing more, nothing less.

  • The Bifrost - I'm considering swapping that card for one copy of Looking for Trouble or Moment of Triumph. It's basically another option of always getting Angela on the board (from the deck, not discard unfortunately). It also let's you draw Throg, Valkyrie and Lady Sif.

What to mulligan for: This section is comming soon.

This is a 2.0 version of my God of thunder deck -


Feb 10, 2023 Zerotaku · 1

Thank you so much for the breakdown of your Thor deck as I find it very well thought out!

One thing to keep in mind when comparing Mean Swing vs Pitchback is that Mean Swing works better with Moment of Triumph. Since the 4 damage is done after the attack is resolved, it will not result in the amount of excess damage that Mean Swing can produce. I would consider replacing Moment of Triumph with Godlike Stamina if keeping Pitchback.

Feb 20, 2023 bkmcdb · 75

Thank you for the reply!

That's exactly what I've done - swapped both Moment of Triumphs for a copy of Godlike Stamina and The Bifrost and am testing this approach right now. It seemed that I was not making much use of the MoTs as 14 health (+ 5 from helmet, + 3 from endurance) seems enough and swapping to AE for that Down Time recovery saved me a bunch of times :D.

Gonna update the deck description soon hopefully, thanks again and have a good time playing!

Sep 09, 2023 spidey375 · 13

Had a lot of fun with this deck! Psylocke is an expensive ally at 4 cost, but could be worth considering adding for more opportunities to confuse to have a safe switch to alter ego to heal

Sep 21, 2023 bkmcdb · 75

@spidey375 thanks for the reply and playing my deck!

Yeah, I agree, it would be a second 4 cost card in this deck including Lady Sif and can be difficult to pull of at the start with that 4 card hand size, but if you manage to pull it off it could work well.

I'll come back to this deck soon and finally edit that mulligan section :D. Maybe I'll update with something from NeXt Evolution, I have to yet play Thor with cards from expansion.